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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 reasonable use without this variance. 2. The circumstances are not created by the <br /> 2 owner of the property. 3. This will not alter the essential character of the locality. <br /> 3 4. Economic considerations alone are not the basis of the hardship. Also this <br /> 4 variance will improve the traffic flow as traffic will go around the buildings rather <br /> 5 than in between. <br /> 6 Motion by Marks, second by Wagner to approve the setback variances for CUB <br /> 7 redevelopment, specifically the 15 foot setback variance on the north end of the <br /> 8 CUB property based on a review of title easements by the City Attorney and the <br /> 9 plat subject to a satisfactory reviewal of items and that no permit for construction <br /> 10 for any part of the project will be issued, the project will not have final approval, <br /> 11 and the project will not be commenced, until the requirements of the Minnesota <br /> 12 Statutes, Section 116D.04, Subd. 2b have been met. <br /> 13 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 d. Knox Lumber Conditional Use Request, <br /> 16 Franzese reported that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that <br /> 17 the Council approve the conditional use permit for Knox Lumber conditioned that <br /> all lumber products will be under roofs, the 15 foot block wall with screening be <br /> *9 provided, and there will be lighting on the outside of the structures directed <br /> 20 downward. <br /> 21 Motion by Marks, second by Fleming to approve the conditional use permit for <br /> 22 Knox Lumber conditioned that all lumber products be under roofs, the 15 foot <br /> 23 block wall with screening be provided, and there will be lighting on the outside of <br /> 24 the structures directed downward, and that no permit for construction for any part <br /> 25 of the project will be issued,the project will not have final approval, and the <br /> 26 project will not be commenced, until the requirements of the Minnesota Statutes, <br /> 27 Section 116D.04, Subd. 2b have been met. <br /> 28 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 29 e. Knox Lumber Variance Request. <br /> 30 Motion by Wagner, second by Marks to approve the setback variances for the <br /> 31 Knox redevelopment, specifically the 15 foot setback variance on the south <br /> 32 portion of the Knox property based on a review of title easements by the City <br /> 33 Attorney and the plat subject to a satisfactory reviewal of items, and no permit for <br /> 34 construction for any part of the project will be issued, the project will not have <br /> .35 final approval, and the project will not be commenced, until the requirements of <br /> �6 the Minnesota Statutes, Section-116D.04, Subd. 2b have been met. <br /> 37 Motion carried unanimously. <br />