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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 that should be affecting this project are the items directly related to the <br /> 2 proj ect. <br /> 3 City Council consensus was reached to review this item, drainage plan for Apache <br /> 4 Plaza, until November 29, 1994 at the Special Council Meeting. <br /> 5 b. Apache (C. G Rein Company) Request for Subdivision Approval for CUB <br /> 6 Foods and Knox Lumber. <br /> 7 Commissioner Franzese reported that the Planning Commission had unanimously <br /> 8 recommended that the Council approve the lot split as presented by Dennis <br /> 9 Cavanaugh, C.G. Rein Co., into 4 sections with Payless Cashways/Knox Lumber <br /> 10 on the north end, including a portion of the current Apache Plaza Mall, the section <br /> 11 with First Bank, the main section of what will remain of the mall, and the <br /> 12 southern section which is the SuperValu/CUB Foods, based on a title review by <br /> 13 the City Attorney, as well as any easements that may be necessary for the platting <br /> 14 process which will be taken care of with the City Council. <br /> 15 City Attorney Soth asked that two additional points be included in the motion. <br /> 16 One being that it be subject to reviewal of title easements and the plat subject to a <br /> 17 satisfactory reviewal of these items. The second being that due to the petition of • <br /> 18 the EAW, no permit for construction for any part of the project will be issued,the <br /> 19 project will not have final approval, and the project will not be commenced, until <br /> 20 the requirements of Minnesota Statues, Section 116D.04, Subd. 2b have been met. <br /> 21 Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to approve the lot split as presented by <br /> 22 Dennis Cavanaugh, C.G. Rein Co., into four sections with Payless Cashways/ <br /> 23 Knox Lumber on the north end and including a portion of the current Apache <br /> 24 Plaza Mall, the section with First Bank, the main section of what will remain of <br /> 25 the mall, and the southern section which is the SuperValu/CUB Foods, based on <br /> 26 a review of title easements by the City Attorney and the plat subject to a <br /> 27 satisfactory reviewal of these items and that no permit for construction for any <br /> 28 part of the project will be issued, the project will not have final approval, and the <br /> 29 project will not be commenced, until the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, <br /> 30 Section 116D.04, Subd. 2b have been met. <br /> 31 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 32 c. CUB Foods Variance Request. <br /> 33 Commissioner Franzese reported that the Planning Commission has unanimously <br /> 34 recommended that Council approve the setback variances for the CUB <br /> 35 redevelopment, specifically the 15 foot setback variance on the north end of the • <br /> 36 CUB property. The hardships were found for the following reasons: 1. With the <br /> 37 60 foot Uniform Building Code normal separation, the property cannot be put to <br />