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CC PACKET 12131994
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CC PACKET 12131994
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> • Page 3 <br /> 1 Franzese explained that the lot did not meet all four criteria for granting a variance in a <br /> 2 hardship case. She listed the four criteria necessary as follows: 1. The property cannot <br /> 3 be put to a reasonable use without the variance. 2. The circumstances causing the <br /> 4 hardship were not created by the owner. 3. The variance, if granted, will not alter the <br /> 5 essential character of the locality. 4. Economic considerations alone are not the basis of <br /> 6 the hardship. The Planning Commission noted that the lot was of substandard size. This <br /> 7 could meet the first requirement but the items related to the other three criteria involve <br /> 8 the owner and not the property. <br /> 9 Harry Schroeder, Tom Schroeder's father spoke on behalf of the applicants. He stated <br /> 10 that he was the architect that designed the proposed home that the Schroeder's would like <br /> 11 to build on the lot. He reported that the existing house was built in 1952. In 1963, the lot <br /> 12 was subdivided. The City Ordinance regarding lot coverage was not in place at that time. <br /> 13 The Schroeders purchased the house in 1991. He provided an overhead of a sketch of a <br /> -14 hypothetical house design which would fit on this lot and adhere to the existing lot <br /> 15 coverage ordinance. The house could only be 975 square foot, allowing for a double <br /> 16 garage and driveway, to fit within the lot coverage ordinance. He stated this would not be <br /> 17 practical as the house would have no resale value. For this reason, the variance is <br /> 18 creating a special extraordinary circumstance. He stated that at this time, the approximate <br /> 9 value of the property is $60,000 with the lot being $20,000. If the scheduled plan is <br /> implemented, the Schroeders would lose $40,000 due to the demolition. He stated that <br /> 21 the Schroeders have approached the owner of the land directly south, north, and east of <br /> 22 their lot but they have not been successful in purchasing any of this land. He stated that <br /> 23 the neighbors in the area, are enthusiastic about the Schroeders project. Referring to the <br /> 24 four criteria necessary to grant the variances,he stated that they were met as follows: 1. <br /> 25 The property cannot be put to reasonable use because a 975 square foot house would not <br /> 26 be appropriate to St. Anthony and would not have a resale value, as such. 2. The <br /> 27 hardship was not created by the owner, as it was created when the land was subdivided 30 <br /> 28 years ago. 3. The variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. 4. The <br /> 29 Schroeders in demolishing their existing home will experience a monetary loss, rather <br /> 30 than a monetary gain, so economic considerations are not the basis of the hardship. <br /> 31 Mr. Botnick, the owner of the property south, north and east of the Schroeder lot, stated <br /> 32 that he has been negotiating with Bill Nygard regarding a proposed construction <br /> 33 development on his land and Nygard is interested in the project. Mr. Reed, another <br /> 34 adjacent property owner had expressed interest in selling his house and the land behind. <br /> 35 He stated if Mr. Reed were to do this, Mr. Nygard could then buy both lots, demolish the <br /> 36 homes, and split the lots in two, selling a larger lot to the Schroeders. He felt this would <br /> 37 be a better solution for all involved but he has not yet received a commitment from Mr. <br /> 38 Reed or Mr. Nygard. <br /> • <br />
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