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CC PACKET 12131994
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CC PACKET 12131994
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> I Harry Schroeder stated that the Schroeders needed to make a decision and start <br /> 2 construction by Spring of 1995. They cannot wait without some type of guarantee. He <br /> 3 stated that they would not be satisfied unless they had a closed purchase agreement on a <br /> 4 specific piece of property within 30 days. <br /> 5 Mayor Ranallo asked Mr. Botnick if there was a possibility that the Reed property would <br /> 6 be available within the next 30-60 days. <br /> 7 Botnick reported that Mr. Reed was unsure if he wanted to sell. He was looking for a <br /> 8 place to relocate that would suit his needs. <br /> 9 Ranallo expressed that he would like to see the Schroeders reconstruct their house and <br /> 10 remain in St. Anthony. <br /> 11 Fleming asked if it was possible that there could be an agreement reached within 30 days. <br /> 12 She stated that the variance process had been created to benefit the City of St. Anthony <br /> 13 not to stop something that will improve the city. She feels the Schroeders are going to <br /> 14 improve the city with their project. <br /> 15 City Attorney Soth stated that one problem with the granting of this variance is it would • <br /> 16 set a precedence. The variance does not leave the city flexibility in these cases. The <br /> 17 variance would have to be in accordance with the criteria set up by State Statutes. It <br /> 18 would need to be shown that the property cannot be put to reasonable use by this owner <br /> 19 or any owner, without the variance being granted. The criteria must relate to the property <br /> 20 and not to the owner. <br /> 21 Diane Schroeder stated that they have been negotiating with Mr. Botnick for 3 years. She <br /> 22 reported that they have been waiting for a long time and nothing has happened. A 974 <br /> 23 square foot house could not be made accessible for her being confined to a wheelchair as <br /> 24 it would have to be more than one level. She feels this is discriminatory, as the lot cannot <br /> 25 be put to reasonable use without the granting of the variance. <br /> 26 Mr. Kirk Larson, 3509 Maplewood Drive, spoke on behalf of the Schroeders. He was in <br /> 27 attendance at the Planning Commission last week when the variance was recommended <br /> 28 for denial and the Schroeders were told their only choice was to go before the Council. <br /> 29 He feels that granting the variance would make sense for the community and for the <br /> 30 people involved. The only precedence that would be set, is to grant a lot ordinance <br /> 31 variance for a lot that is less than normal,size. He feels that this would be a reasonable <br /> 32 precedence to set. He stated that it would send a message to the people, that the City of <br /> 33 St. Anthony is flexible and concerned about the people who live there. He feels the right <br /> 34 thing to do is grant the variance for the Schroeders. • <br />
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