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' City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 13 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Councilmember Horst stated it appeared as though Mr. Shaw was able to use a smaller plan,if <br /> 2 necessary, and asked if the resolution before them reflected the smaller plan. Mr. Shaw <br /> 3 indicated that the.resolution before them did not reflect the smaller plan, but he could reduce the <br /> 4 plans to a twenty-foot front. <br /> 5 Considering the age of the home and the numerous other homes in the City that were built <br /> 6 similarly and around the same time, Councilmember Thuesen asked Commissioner Hanson if he <br /> 7 thought that the Planning Commission would see several more variance requests of this nature. <br /> 8 Commissioner Hanson indicated that he thought they probably would see more residents <br /> 9 wanting to add a second garage. <br /> 10 Motion by Sparks to adopt Resolution 01-076,re: Shaw Side Yard.Variance for 2835 <br /> t t Roosevelt Street. - <br /> 12 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 13 B. General engineering projects update (Todd Hubmer, WSB & Associates Inc., will be present). <br /> 14 Todd Hubmer came forward to update the Council. He referred to the twenty-one applicants they had <br /> 15 .received for the City's Flood Relief Grant Program-for 2001. He indicated that nine of those applicants <br /> 16 were approved for participation in the program. Mr. Hubmer stated that they would be working with <br /> 17 each resident and their contractors to meet the completion date of December 31, 2001. <br /> 18 Councilmember Thuesen asked for a couple of examples of some of the projects that they are working <br /> 19 on. Mr. Hubmer indicated that there have been several cases of backyard drainage swells between <br /> 20 homes which has seeped into foundations, windows and homes. He indicated that the applications for <br /> 21 the 2002 program would be available next March. <br /> 22 Mr. Hubmer reviewed the project that was happening on the 291h Avenue Street re-construction. He <br /> 23 indicated that the project consisted of repairing/replacing sod.and driveways that were damaged during <br /> 24 construction. He indicated that new signs were in the process of being made for the entire corridor. <br /> 25 He stated that the project was essentially complete as it sits today. <br /> 26 Councilmember Sparks asked if there would be a_crosswalk from Crestview to the park. Mr. Hubmer <br /> 27 indicated that there would be a stamped concrete crosswalk at Crestview to the south side. <br /> 28 Mr. Hubmer continued that the 2001 street re-construction project was'moving along well. He <br /> 29 referred to a few of the projects that were taking place throughout the City, and their current.status. <br /> 30 Mr. Hubmer referenced the pond construction and said that it was progressing. He stated that they <br /> 31 expected the excavation work to be completed within the next couple of weeks. He added that tree <br /> 32 planting in portions of the pond began today and would continue throughout the month of September. <br />