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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 14 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 4 <br /> I Councilmember Thuesen referred back to the re-construction project on 29`h Avenue Street and asked <br /> 2 if there were different qualities of sod available. Mr. Hubmer said that he was unaware that there were <br /> 3 different qualities of sod. <br /> 4 Councilmember Thuesen asked about the black dirt that is being placed under the sod. Mr. Hubmer <br /> 5 stated that they have requested that at least four inches of topsoil be placed before the sod is laid down. <br /> 6 Councilmember Sparks echoed Councilmember Thuesen's concerns of poor quality topsoil. Mr. <br /> 7 Hubmer reviewed the one-year warranty that they have with the landscaping company, which has the <br /> 8 landscaping company returning to replace the sod next spring. <br /> 9 Mr. Hubmer continued with an update on the 2002 Street Re-construction Feasibility Study. He <br /> 10 indicated that there would be discussion concerning the under-grounding of the private utilities, cable <br /> I t television, electrical and,telephone services and what the associated costs would be. <br /> 12 Mr. Hubmer reviewed the status of the Well-Head Protection Plan. He indicated it has been mandated <br /> 13 by the State of Minnesota for the City of St. Anthony to be completed. He added that there should not <br /> 14 be a tremendous amount of costs for the City regarding the Plan under phase one, as Ramsey County <br /> 15 wants to complete most of the work for the City of-St. Anthony. <br /> t6 Mr. Hubmer referred to the plans for construction of Silver Point Park. He indicated that they are <br /> 17 addressing the concerns they had last year with hockey and other draining issues and would be <br /> 18 presenting a preliminary grading plan to the Parks Commission at their next meeting. Mr. Hubmer <br /> 19 stated that they would hope to put the proposal out for bid to be brought back to the City Council by <br /> 20 October for their consideration. <br /> 21 Mr. Hubmer stated that they are revising some of the information contained in the Sanitary Sewer <br /> 22 Education Program. He added that they anticipate the next area of education to be from 291h Avenue <br /> 23 to 35`h Avenue and from Stinson Boulevard to Silver Lake Road. He added that the Program would <br /> 24 be looking at sump-pump removal and drain tile removal. <br /> 25 Councilmember Thuesen referred to televising of part of the sanitary system and some of the sanitary <br /> 26 sewer back-up problems that they had this past spring. Mr. Hubmer indicated that they reviewed the <br /> 27 televised data with the League of Minnesota Cities and said that it did not show that there was any <br /> 28 blockage in the line, nor were there maintenance issues that could cause the sort of back-ups that <br /> 29 occurred. <br /> t. <br /> 30 Mr. Hubmer added that it was high run-off events, or storm events where they were getting those <br /> 31 back-ups, and indicated that the system was not designed to handle those types of run-off events. - <br /> 32 C. Presentation of Minneapolis proposal for fire services to St. Anthony (Minneapolis Fire Chief <br /> 33 will be present). <br />