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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 17 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Mayor Cavanaugh referred to the three year relationship, and asked if Fire Chief Forte had checked <br /> 2 into the possibility of a permanent relationship. Fire Chief Forte stated that the concept of joining <br /> 3 services had not yet been discussed with their Mayor, therefore, he had not examined the possibility of <br /> 4 an eternal relationship. <br /> 5 Mayor Cavanaugh stated they are talking about a very small part of the issue for the City of St. <br /> 6 Anthony. He continued that fires are not their main call and seventy-five percent of all calls are non-fire <br /> 7 calls. . <br /> 8 Mayor Cavanaugh stated that Hennepin County trucks come with paramedics who can do more than <br /> 9 Emergency Medical Technicians(EMTs). He added that the City of St. Anthony was concerned with <br /> 10 the EMT response, and the residents felt that the local fire department exceeded their needs. <br /> 11 Fire Chief Forte indicated that the City of St. Anthony, if it remains independent, has a one minute <br /> 12 better response for all emergencies. <br /> 13 Mayor Cavanaugh stated that the additional minute response time, should they decide to join forces, <br /> 14 was very critical to the residents. <br /> 15 Councilmember Thuesen stated that they are not here to discuss ambulance service this evening. He <br /> 16 asked what it has to do with the decision to join forces with the City of Minneapolis. Mayor <br /> 17 Cavanaugh indicated that Councilmember Thuesen was the initiator of the issue. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Councilmember Thuesen added that he felt Mayor Cavanaugh was making ambulance service an issue <br /> 20 in order to get the residents to approve the,concept of joining services. He added that he felt the <br /> 21 ambulance service issue was entirely separate. <br /> 22 Resident John Mondati, 3420 Highcrest Road, stated that a friend passed away a year ago because <br /> 23 they did not get a quick enough response from the City of Minneapolis. He stated that he thought the <br /> 24 City of St. Anthony Fire Department deserves to be protected, as they are valuable people. <br /> 25 A Resident asked where the new station would be. Fire Chief stated that was to be determined. <br /> 26 A former resident of Minneapolis referred to the slow response times she received from the City of <br /> 27 Minneapolis. She wondered why they do not collectively have an ambulance with paramedics in St. <br /> 28 Anthony where they have the space to house a holding garage versus Johnson Street which is so <br /> 29 crammed. Fire Chief Forte concurred that the Johnson Street Fire House could not house a holding <br /> 30 garage. <br /> 31 Resident Diana Roadfeldt, 2924 Rankin, asked why the City of St. Anthony could not offer the City of <br /> 32 Minneapolis some services. She continued that would allow the City of Minneapolis to sell the station <br /> 33 on Johnson Street and build a new station in the City of St. Anthony. Ms. Roadfeldt indicated that the <br />