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CC PACKET 09252001
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 16 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Councilmember Horst referred to the flyer that stated "What if you dialed 911 and no one came?" He <br /> 2 asked where the loyalties would lie between the two cities. Fire Chief Forte stated that was one of the <br /> 3 reasons that they have initiated mutual aid. He added that the cities of Minneapolis and St. Anthony <br /> 4 would be prioritized as one community. <br /> s Councilmember Horst referred to the union requirement that required more riders on the Fire Trucks <br /> 6 that they currently have. Fire Chief Forte stated that they could certainly meet those needs for the City <br /> 7 of St. Anthony. <br /> 8 Councilmember Sparks asked about the rumors that the Johnson Street Station would close if the <br /> 9 agreement did not go through. Fire Chief Forte indicated that was only a rumor and the Johnson Street <br /> 10 Station would not close. <br /> 11 Councilmember Thuesen referred to ambulatory response time in the City of St. Anthony being slower <br /> 12 than others, and asked if they would give them the ambulance bay regardless of the decision to combine <br /> 13 services. Fire Chief Forte indicated that there was no room to add on to the existing fire station at this <br /> 14 time right now, but additional funds would make enhancing that station possible. <br /> 15 Councilmember Thuesen asked if he-had the authority to put an ambulance bay in anyway. Fire Chief <br /> 16 Forte stated he was not in control of that, but an increase in his budget would help him use his influence <br /> 17 to get Hennepin County into the area and, hopefully, get the ambulance bay addition. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Councilmember Hodson referred to the response time, and stated he found the statistics difficult to <br /> 20 believe. Fire Chief Forte stated that the average range of four to eight minutes depended on how near <br /> 21 or far a residence was from the station. <br /> 22 Councilmember Hodson mentioned how critical those first three minutes can be in saving a life. <br /> 23 Councilmember Sparks referred to a some research she had done that discussed a"five minute point of <br /> 24 flash over," and asked for clarification of what that was. Fire Chief Forte stated that it meant a fire <br /> 25 could begin spreading to the contents of a room within five minutes. <br /> 26 Councilmember Sparks added that nine minute response times in the City of Minneapolis are scary. <br /> 27 Fire Chief Forte stated that the nine minute response time was the extreme, and once any community's <br /> 28 resources are overwhelmed by multiple fire alarms,the response time goes up. However, he added <br /> 29 that their average response time is three and a half minutes. <br /> 30 Councilmember Thuesen indicated that he would like to see Fire Chief Hewitt respond to the issue of <br /> 31 house fires on opposite sides of town, and how they would be addressed. <br /> 32 Fire Chief Hewitt indicated that the fire department in St. Anthony belong to various mutual aid groups <br /> 33 for response. He stated that, essentially, if they do not have the resources they call out to their other <br /> 34 mutual aid groups. <br />
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