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PL PACKET 06161998
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PL PACKET 06161998
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 19, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Mr. Malenick submitted an application for a variance of,11/2 feet to the north sideyard in order <br /> 2 to be able to construct his home. The house he proposes to build is 46.5 feet wide and has a 5- <br /> 3 foot sideyard on the south and 8.5 on the north side of the lot.' The total square footage of <br /> 4 imperious surfaces is 3,806.5, including the proposed driveway and lot coverage is 23.9%. The <br /> 5 lot coverage is within the 35%lot coverage restriction as stipulated by City Ordinance. <br /> 6 Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinances require that several conditions must be satisfied for <br /> 7 approval of this variance request. As such, no variance will be granted unless the evidence <br /> 8 presented discloses that strict enforcement of the Ordinance would cause undue hardship because <br /> 9 the property cannot be put to a reasonable use without the variance. This parcel is only 60 feet <br /> 10 wide, as are many of the lots in this area; several of the homes were built between 1930 and <br /> 11 1969, before insulation and R-values were possibly considerations in the construction of these <br /> 12 homes; and the area is zoned R-1. Keeping this lot vacant would not be a reasonable use,nor its <br /> 13 greatest or best use. <br /> 14 The circumstances causing the hardship must also not be created by the owner. As reported by <br /> 15 Staff during the May 20, 1997 public hearing for the lot width variance for this parcel, this lot <br /> 16 was platted before the City's Zoning Ordinance was adopted, therefore this hardship was not <br /> 17 created by the current owner. <br /> 18 The variance, if granted, also will not alter the essential characteristic of this residential <br /> 19 neighborhood because Mr. Malenick plans to build a home in which he and his family plan to <br /> 20 occupy. This fact also proves that economic considerations are not a basis for this sideyard <br /> 21 variance request. <br /> 22 Chair Bergstrom questioned the general positioning of the proposed house on the lot. He noted <br /> 23 the City Ordinance that requires that the house have a frontyard depth equal to the greater of 30 <br /> 24 feet or a distance equal to the average of the two adjacent lots. He questioned if the intent of this <br /> 25 requirement was that the houses be lined up along the street. <br /> 26 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated her interpretation of the Ordinance is that it is a minimum requirement <br /> 27 for the frontyard setback. <br /> 28 Mr. Malenick stated that if the house was closer to the street there would not be access to the <br /> 29 backyard to repair power lines or a major tree that is blown down. <br /> 30 Ms. Malenick stated that if the house were moved closer to the street the large trees in the <br /> 31 frontyard would have to be removed. <br /> 32 Chair Bergstrom noted that the area where the home is proposed to be built is low and expressed <br /> 33 concern of saturated soil conditions. <br />
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