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PL PACKET 06161998
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PL PACKET 06161998
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes , <br /> May 19, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Mr. Malenick stated he has been watching that area of land and even in the worst of times there <br /> 2 has not been standing water. He noted the basement will not be dug_down and will meet the <br /> 3 grade in that area. <br /> 4 Ms. Moore-Sykes reiterated that as long as the building does not encroach on the rearyard <br /> 5 setback, she believed this placement was allowed by City Ordinance. <br /> 6 Chair Bergstrom stated that he had spoken with a neighbor, Mr. Eamster, who was unable to <br /> 7 attend the meeting this evening. He had expressed that he would prefer the house to be located <br /> 8 so that it lines up with the adjacent houses for aesthetic purposes and because of the placement of <br /> 9 his garage and sight lines. <br /> 10 Mr. Malenick stated that he thought Mr. Eamster would feel squeezed if the house was located <br /> 11 further forward on the lot. <br /> 12 Commissioner Kaczor acknowledged the large pretty tree in the front yard and stated he would <br /> 13 hate to see the tree being torn down because the City wants the house moved forward on the lot. <br /> 14 The proposed location of the house also allows for a nice placement of the driveway. <br /> .15 Mr. Fred Lawless, 3609 Edward Street, asked if it was okay if he would plant.spruce trees along <br /> 16 the property lines between the two homes. He stated the placement of the house had surprised <br /> 17 him as he thought the house would be located further forward on the lot. <br /> 18 Mr. Malenick stated he believed that placement of the house further forward on the lot would be <br /> 19 squeezed and make all the houses feel sandwiched. <br /> 20 Ms. Sally Hedman, also of 3609 Edward Street, asked if there were any legal ramifications of <br /> 21 this request that would affect the resale of her home. <br /> 22 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated there were none that she was aware of. <br /> 23 Ms. Hedman questioned the normal sideyard setback requirement. <br /> 24 Chair Bergstrom stated the required sideyard setback is 15 feet. This request is to reduce that <br /> 25 setback to 13.5 feet. <br /> 26 Mr. Lawless stated he did not believe that 1.5 feet would make a difference. <br /> 27 Chair Bergstrom closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> 28 Commissioner Horst stated he would prefer to see the house located in line with the others on the <br /> 29 street. His interpretation of the spirit of the ordinance was to keep the houses lined up. He stated <br />
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