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3.4 Because some professionals, doctors; psychologists, etc. do <br /> not have -chemical dependency training we could supply liter-. <br /> i 'ature for St. Anthony professionals's waiting rooms as a <br /> service to the professional. . Mary Bowling will find out how <br /> many medical offices there are in. St. Anthony. <br /> 3-.5- We could check industry chemical dependency services and <br /> list free films available for organization's use. <br /> Evelyn Holthus will rewrite goals in a suitable format of <br /> goal, objective and activity for next meeting. <br /> 4. A discussion was held about a budget request to be made to the city <br /> council. Dollar amount was left until next meeting so more factual <br /> data could be collected by* E. Holthus; cost of pamphlets, program, . <br /> and financial status of TAHC. <br /> The next meeting was set for Monday, January 11 at 7:00 p.m. with suc- <br /> ceeding meetings to be held on the second Tuesday of each month through <br /> May. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted <br /> R. Hultgren <br /> Acting Secretary <br />