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-8- <br /> Both Councilman Marks and Enrooth reported being away from the City <br /> for , some time and said they were glad to be back to Minnesota where • <br /> the -weather has been more moderate. <br /> Mr.- Childs had included the Helgeson audit in the Council agenda <br /> packet and he summarized actions which have already been taken or- would <br /> be taken when staff time is available to comply with the audit sug- <br /> gestions for improving the City's system of internal controls .- <br /> The -Manager . also reported he would be attending some of the sessions <br /> of the Minnesota Waste Management Board meetings August 24th and 25th <br /> to state the City's positions on issues which might adversely effect <br /> its residents . <br /> Mr. Weiberg had remained to reemphasize the importance he perceives <br /> for making future hearing notices more specific. He speculated that <br /> there might have been better communication between the church and the <br /> residents prior to the first hearing if the notice of the hearing had <br /> indicated where the Elmwood Church addition was proposed to be con- <br /> structed. Mr. Childs told him it is his intention to revise the hearing <br /> notice and to include pertinent maps and sketches in 'the notices to <br /> affected neighbors and this would motivate him to initiate that. pro- <br /> cedure right away. <br /> Referring to the August 16th staff notes , reference to seal coating <br /> the streets , Mr. Childs told the Council that project is almost <br /> completed and Mr. Hamer should be congratulated for saving the City <br /> money by recycling the sand mixture on each street and storing it <br /> for reuse on the icy streets this winter. • <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to <br /> adjourn the meeting at 8 : 50 P .M. <br /> Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Respectfully submitted,' <br /> Helen Crowe , Secretary <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> City Clerk <br />