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CC PACKET 08091983
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CC PACKET 08091983
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12/30/2015 3:51:46 PM
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12/30/2015 3:51:33 PM
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CC PACKET 08091983
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-7- <br /> negotiation process and, therefore, was making the motion to table <br /> action on the permit request on the assumption some accommodation of <br /> • both positions could be worked out through further negotiations . <br /> Councilman, Enrooth seconded that motion, agreeing it might be wiser to <br /> defer the matter to another Council meeting, perceiving that, "with <br /> s all the land the church has available for expansion, there should <br /> certainly be an opportunity for differences between the parties to be <br /> worked- out satisfactorily" . However, before the vote on the motion <br /> a <br /> was taken., he withdrew his second to give Donald Esau, . 3505 - 36th <br /> s <br /> Avenue N.. E. , an opportunity to comment on the issue. <br /> Mr. Esau identified himself as the owner of one of the two homes <br /> directly behind the existing church and the proposed addition. He <br /> referred to the extensive testimony on the harm he believes he would <br /> suffer if the addition is permitted, but said he wanted to go on <br /> record as, "supporting the church over the years because they have <br /> been good neighbors and have provided a necessary service for the <br /> community" . Mr. Esau indicated he perceives the neighbors don' t want <br /> the situation to deteriorate into a "win/lose" proposition either . <br /> He therefore suggested another meeting between the residents and church <br /> officials be scheduled and, in order that any. misunderstanding of <br /> positions could be avoided, that each side arrange to take their <br /> own minutes of the proceedings . <br /> He could certainly understand the church '.s need for additional class- <br /> rooms , Mr. Esau said, and he wondered if it would be possible for the <br /> City let the-church -use .the- six- rooms--class. 00ms- in the Wilshire -School. - <br /> • ry �building without charging them rent, at least until there is .some <br /> agreement reached about .the siting of the proposed addition. The <br /> Mayor told Mr. Esau he would be happy to transmit that suggestion to <br /> the School Board, who are responsible for the school buildings . He <br /> also said that, although he wouldn ' t want to impose any more projects <br /> on the City staff at this time , he personally would be happy to do <br /> anything in his power to get the parties together. The suggestion <br /> that separate minutes should be kept by both sides appealed to the <br /> Mayor as a means of preventing further polarization of positions . <br /> Among those present who did not speak were Larry and Sandy Antczak, <br /> who live directly behind the church, Mrs . Esau, and Elmwood members , <br /> Mrs . Jones , Dennis Olson and Paul Stewart. <br /> Councilman Enrooth again seconded the motion to table action on the <br /> Elmwood addition request which passed unanimously. <br /> Chair Makowske concluded the Commission report by telling the Council <br /> she understood the LePepiniere school officials would be returning with <br /> a- proposal -for wall signage for the center. <br /> Councilman Enrooth .indicated .he had- noticed two incidents of homes in <br /> -the 'City which _had--been left only partially constructed for. long periods <br /> of: time..: The Manager indicated -he had :been -able to persuade .one of the <br /> owners to complete -the -job but wasn ' t certain. the same. procedures would <br /> • work in 'the . second instance. <br />
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