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-5- <br /> ,Mayor Sundland indicated he had realized how far ahead of other <br /> municipalities St . Anthony was when it came to marketing the community <br /> when the main speaker at a recent Mayor ' s Association meeting had <br /> emphasized that such marketing efforts had not been demonstrated by <br /> the majority of municipalities . <br />' Councilman Marks commended George Wagner and Rosemary Franzese for <br /> 3 attending the recent Planning Institutes for new commissioners , say- <br /> ing he believes their efforts to keep abreast of new planning con- <br /> cepts could be viewed as a real asset for the entire City . He <br /> recommended encouraging more and more of those involved in City <br /> planning to become exposed to all the new aspects of planning which <br /> are available . <br /> Councilmen Ranallo and Enrooth were in agreement that the five day <br /> conference in Washington D.C. - had been invaluable from the perspective <br /> of enabling them to compare the City ' s problems with those experi- <br /> enced by municipalities all over the nation. Councilman Ranallo <br /> reported that after attending the conference , he saw some value in <br /> considering a City membership in the national league , having seen <br /> the values of workshops like the one which proposed ways of raising <br /> revenues other than taxes and because the City is not a member, we <br /> do not have voting rights . The main thrust of one session seemed to <br /> be that it was of vital importance that -cities charge realistically <br /> for such services as sewer and water . Another workshop emphasized <br /> the importance of coming to grips with payment of equal pay for <br /> • comparable work , which the Councilman said.,_.the City has already <br /> accomplished when it adopted the Stanton program. The conference had <br /> adopted a resolution recommending more , not less, local control of <br /> cable franchises , but the resolution favoring the retention of Indust- <br /> rial Development Bonds with some restrictions , although passed <br /> unanimously by the committee , was voted down on the floor, according <br /> to Councilman Ranallo. <br /> Councilman Enrooth agreed that it had been evident to him that in <br /> spite of the high investment for joining the national league , it <br /> would probably be worthwhile for City officials to have the opportunity <br /> of getting different perspectives on vital issues . Fie said he <br /> certainly concurred with the seminar conclusion on risk management <br /> that there should always be careful selection of City personnel to <br /> assure all are qualified for their jobs because he had some personal <br /> questions about whether that policy had been followed when he had . <br /> witnessed some of the damage to lawns following a recent snow plow- <br /> ing in his neighborhood. <br /> Councilman Ranallo concluded his report by reiterating the harm which <br /> he perceives for the Kenzington Project if IDB funding is cut back <br /> too drastically and urged the City to cooperate with the developer to <br /> get the first half of the Phase I units sold as fast as possible. <br /> The recent Planning Institute in Owatonna had impressed Councilman <br /> Marks with the importance of setting up periodic planning sessions <br /> • with City staff, and business and school representatives to formulate <br /> the strategic planning- for the community and to update the City ' s <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br />