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CC PACKET 12131983
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CC PACKET 12131983
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12/30/2015 3:53:46 PM
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12/30/2015 3:53:30 PM
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CC PACKET 12131983
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r <br /> -4- <br /> Reverend Joseph O. Valtinson , Jr. , pastor of Elmwood, was present <br /> and indicated he and Air. Jones had assumed upon . receiving the <br /> neighbors ' September 12th letter, that further negotiation would <br /> probably be unproductive since one of the persons present at one of <br /> the hearings had stated "even one foot more would be too much" . <br /> He concurred with Mr. Jones ' position that the church had already made <br /> important concessions which should be matched by the neighbors . The <br /> pastor said he perceives the church is suffering its own devaluation <br /> in property values when they are forced to rent classrooms for $4 ,000 <br /> this year just because they are not permitted to build on their own <br /> property . He said he doesn ' t perceive a 15 foot addition as dif- <br /> fering much from permitted decks on homes throughout the City . How- <br /> ever, Reverend Valtinson and Mr. Jones indicated they would be willing <br /> to continue to negotiate with the neighbors . <br /> Mr. Weiberg reiterated that the September 12th letter had never been <br /> intended to be the final position of the neighbors and indicated the <br /> church ' s October 25th proposal appeared to be a reasonable one which <br /> the neighbors might come to accept if they could just have the <br /> opportunity of exploring with the project architect the possibility <br /> of an inventive treatment of the proposed sanctuary addition , perhaps <br /> with curves and angles , which would not have such an adverse impact <br /> on the abutting properties . <br /> The owners of the two homes directly behind the church, Mr. and Mrs . <br /> Donald Esau and Mr. and Mrs . Lawrence Antczak , 3505 and 3501 - <br /> 36th Avenue N.E. , were present and Mr. Esau acknowledged there had <br /> been a "communication gap" in the negotiations which he requested <br /> be resumed, with the architect present , because that 15 additional <br /> feet on the sanctuary "remains crucial to Larry and his property" . <br /> Mr. Esau recalled that during the hearings the church officials had <br /> originally stated they could probably get by without making changes <br /> in the sanctuary as long as they got the needed classrooms . <br /> Mr. Childs agreed to serve as catalyst to get the parties together <br /> and to moderate the negotiations , "if both parties could accept him as <br /> an impartial party" . Those negotiations would have to be called well <br /> in advance of a Planning Commission meeting which would be rescheduled <br /> for January 3rd so the Commission' s recommendation on the new proposal <br /> could be presented to the Council at their January 10th meeting. <br /> Councilman Marks indicated he perceived from replies made by Reverend <br /> Valtinson and Mr. Weiberg to questions he had asked, that the "parties <br /> are not really that far apart" on the unresolved differences and it <br /> appeared to him that some accommodation was possible which would <br /> reduce the possibility of -'a win/lose Council decision. However, he <br /> cautioned against writing anything down during the discussions so <br /> a hardening . of positions could be avoided. The Councilman said he <br /> agreed with the Mayor that part of the blame for the communication <br /> failure might have been the Council ' s when they failed to set a <br /> definite time frame for discussions between the parties . <br /> The Elmwood request was left on the table until January 10th. Mrs . • <br /> Makowske was urged to attend the Planning Commission meeting even <br /> though her service on that body would have ceased with her assumption <br /> of a seat on the Council,-`January lst. <br />
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