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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 22, 1996 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 3. The proposal is in the spirit of revitalization and redevelopment of the City of St. <br /> 2 Anthony. <br /> 3 4. There was no opposition from neighboring property owners but in fact there was <br /> 4 support: <br /> 5 5. The design offers potential safety improvements for motorists. <br /> 6 6. The building will be aesthetically pleasing due to the lower profile. <br /> 7 Councilmember Faust questioned City Attorney's concern with allowing a non- <br /> 8 conforming structure to be replaced. <br /> 9 City Manager Momson stated this concern was misinterpreted. The original issue was if <br /> 10 Mr. Bona could expand the existing meat market without a variance. This is no longer <br /> 11 the issue as the building is being removed and the property put to a new use. The issue is <br /> 12 simply the consideration of a 10 foot side yard setback variance. <br /> 13 Councilmember Wagner questioned if the curb cuts would be changed. <br /> 14 Mark Murlowske, Belair Builders, stated all curb cuts will be maintained as they <br /> 15 currently exist. <br /> 061 Councilmember Marks uestioned the hardship in this case. <br /> q P <br /> 17 Mr. Murlowske stated from a construction standpoint,the hardship is the configuration of <br /> 18 the lot. This is a corner lot with street frontage on three sides. Three proposals had been <br /> 19 considered but other configurations had resulted in the alleyway being too narrow and the <br /> 20 access becoming dangerous to suppliers. The current proposal will provide the necessary <br /> 21 alleyway and access and also allow more vehicles to be inside the repair facility and <br /> 22 relieve parking. <br /> 23 Councilmember Marks asked if there was any way to reorient the building and <br /> 24 accomplish the same means without the variance. Mr. Murlowske stated there was not. <br /> 25 Roger Bona, owner of the property, explained this plan will relieve the noise problem of <br /> 26 the facility. The original proposal called for four doors. This plan will include only one <br /> 27 door. The noise from the facility will come right back at the business or onto Kenzie <br /> 28 Terrace. There also will be no unsightly windows with this proposal. The traffic flow is <br /> 29 good, cars can travel in both directions. Mr. Bona stated there will be no additional curb <br /> 30 cuts. The curb cuts will remain exactly as they are in shape and size. <br /> 31 Marks asked what the affect would be on the building if the variance was not granted. <br />