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City.Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 22, 1996 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1 Mr. Murlowske stated he felt the property was unbuildable without the variance due to <br /> 2 the configuration of the lot,the traffic flow and the parking.,He again stated three <br /> 3 proposals had been considered and price was not the deciding factor. <br /> 4 Marks asked how the traffic pattern would be affected if the variance was not granted. <br /> 5 Mr. Murlowske stated with the variance there would be 31.5 feet between the buildings. <br /> 6 This would provide a good alleyway and would allow room for parallel parking on both <br /> 7 sides. This could not be accomplished without the 10 foot.setback variance. <br /> 8 Marks asked if the new building could be built against the existing building. <br /> 9 Mr. Murlowske stated the waste haulers would be unable to safely access the lot and it <br /> 10 would affect the safety of traffic flow. <br /> 11 Mr. Bona reiterated if the building was built within the 20 foot setback, the garbage <br /> 12 haulers would be unable to remove garbage. <br /> 13 Mr. Murlowske noted if the building were built closer to the other building, the option of <br /> 14 the overhead door on the side of the building would also be lost. He stated if this were a <br /> 15 rectangular lot, with one street frontage,there would be,no issue with meeting all the <br /> 16 requirements. Due to the configuration of the lot and the three street frontages, it requires <br /> 17 the additional setback. <br /> 18 Motion by Ranallo, second by Wagner to.approve the request for a 10 foot side yard <br /> 19 variance for the St. Anthony Unocal Service Station, Roger Bona, 2801 Kenzie Terrace <br /> 20 based on the findings of the Planning Commission. <br /> 21 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 2. Assaad Hark, 2914 - 36th Avenue N.E.; Side Yard Setback Variance <br /> 24 Request. <br /> 25 Commissioner Thompson reported Assaad Hark, owner of the property at 2914 - 36th <br /> 26 Avenue N.E., has submitted a request for a side yard setback variance of 7.5 feet so that <br /> 27 he may be able to build a 28 foot by 14 foot addition to the existing porch on the-south <br /> 28 side of his house. The proposed addition would allow the owner to make the current <br /> 29 porch more usable and will be in line with the principle structure. <br /> 30 The required setback for this lot is 30 feet because it is adjacent to 36th Avenue N.E. and <br /> 31 Silver Lake Road. The existing home sits 30 feet from 36th Avenue N.E. but is only 15 <br /> 32 feet from Silver Lake Road. The home immediately to the north of the subject property • <br /> 33 also sits 15 feet from Silver Lake Road and the home immediately south of the subject <br /> 34 property is 30 feet from Silver Lake Road. The City Ordinance states that the structure <br />