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CC PACKET 06091998
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CC PACKET 06091998
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CC PACKET 06091998
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 26, 1998 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 and he too did not have concern with the sideyard setback but questioned why the house was <br /> 2 placed so far back on the lot. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend <br /> 3 approval of the sideyard variance of 1.5 feet. <br /> 4 Motion by Faust, second by Marks to approve the sideyard setback variance of 1.5 feet for 3613 <br /> 5 Edward Street as it meets all three requirements of granting a variance and the exact same <br /> 6 conditions exist currently as did in May of 1997 when a previous variance was granted. <br /> 7 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8 2. David Newgaard, for 3123 Silver Lake Road; Lot Width Variance Request. <br /> 9 Commissioner Kaczor reported a public hearing was held to consider a request by David <br /> 10 Newgaard for a lot width variance. Mr.Newgaard has acquired this lot due to the passing of his <br /> 11 mother and he would like to sell the lot. The lot,which is zoned residential, is 66 feet wide, <br /> 12 rather than the required 75 feet wide, and is not currently a buildable lot. There was discussion at <br /> 13 the Planning Commission to include a condition of approval that upgrades be made to the <br /> 14 property he owns,next to this house but it was determined that this could not be done. The <br /> 15 hardship in this case is that the Ordinance which requires a width of 75 feet was codified after <br /> 16 this lot was split to a width of 66 feet. <br /> .7 Momson stated that technically the lot is grandfathered in. The Council has granted a variance <br /> 18 previously in this type of situation but typically there is a plan submitted for a house on the lot. <br /> 19 The problem with not having a plan is that there may be subsequent variances required:' <br /> 20 Ranallo suggested that the applicant wait until a plan is submitted and all the requirements can be <br /> 21 addressed at one time. <br /> 22 Cavanaugh suggested that the owner may not be able to sell the property without assurance that <br /> 23 he will receive the variance. He noted that many lots in this area are this size and asked if any <br /> 24 neighbors had attended the Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 25 Commissioner Kaczor noted that in this specific area there are two older homes, an empty lot, <br /> 26 and another older home on the comer. He reported that there had been discussion at the Planning <br /> 27 Commission meeting that in the future three of those lots could be combined and split to result in <br /> 28 two standard lots. <br /> 29 Cavanaugh noted there are a lot of old homes in this area. He questioned how this might affect <br /> 30 the future development of that whole area. <br /> 31 Faust stated that if the Council considers the lot buildable, it will give assurance to the person the <br /> 32 seller wants to market the property to. But if the Council approves this request, it may give <br /> 3 undue assurance to a potential builder. Faust stated he believed approval of this request was <br />
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