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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes : <br /> May 26, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 4. Typically the companies want to preempt the cities in control of the use of the right-of- <br /> 2 way. This company has agreed that they will address the right-of-ways but note that <br /> 3 requirements of a City'Ordinance will preempt their control. <br /> 4 Mr. Vose stated he had been informed that a final document will be produced and promptly <br /> 5 forwarded to the City within the next two weeks. <br /> 6 Marks asked if the public buildings could be networked together so data could be transferred <br /> 7 between the Public Works Building,the Fire Department and the City Hall. He also questioned <br /> 8 the speed of the data transfer. <br /> 9 Ms. Wilson explained that the Cable Commission is in the process of buying cable modems and <br /> 10 routers for each of the Cities interested. As soon as the computers are networked within the City <br /> 11 offices,the buildings can be networked and data can be exchanged between and among the <br /> 12 offices. Ms. Wilson explained that the speed and the capacity of data transfer will be faster than <br /> 13 the telephone company with the exception of direct line fiber and dedicated fiber. She estimated <br /> 14 the transfer rate to be ten times faster than 56k. <br /> 15 Cavanaugh asked the charge for this service and if the residents will retain free hookup for the <br /> 16 government channel. <br /> 17 Ms. Wilson stated the company had not yet disclosed the prices. They are still involved with <br /> 18 field testing. The free access for the government channel will remain. <br /> 19 Faust asked if there would be a separate telephone and cable line or if everything will be included <br /> 20 in one line. <br /> 21 Ms. Wilson explained that it will be a combination of the current coaxial cable and fiber optics <br /> 22 and will be contained in one line. <br /> 23 Mayor Ranallo thanked Cor Wilson,Bob Vose, and Tom Creighton for their dedicated service <br /> 24 on this issue. <br /> 25 C. Planning Commission Meeting-May 19, 1998. <br /> 26 Planning Commissioner Anthony Kaczor was present to report on the issues addressed at the <br /> 27 May 19, 1998, Planning Commission Meeting. <br /> 28 1. John Malenick, for 3613 Edward Street; Sideyard Variance Request. <br /> 29 Commissioner Kaczor reported a public hearing was held to consider a request by John and Sue <br /> 30 Malenick for a variance of 1.5 feet to the north sideyard in order to be able to construct his home. <br /> 31 In 1997,the previous owner of the lot requested a lot width variance for this parcel so they could <br /> 32 build a home and that was granted by the City Council. The Planning Commission did not have <br /> 33 much discussion about the sideyard variance but did have lengthy discussion in regard to <br /> 34 concerns with the large setback from the roadway. A neighbor was in attendance at the meeting <br />