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3® <br /> • MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 11/14/01 MEETING DATE: 11/20/01 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan Henry, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: The Village Blend, 2900 Pentagon Drive, Conditional Use Permit <br /> Requested Action: <br /> The applicant, Village Blend LLC, wishes to obtain a conditional use permit for the sale <br /> of beverages for consumption on the premises and a restaurant located less than 250 <br /> feet from a residential district. The applicant plans to occupy the former Hennepin <br /> County Library space in the St. Anthony Shopping Center, located at 2900 Pentagon <br /> Drive. <br /> Background: <br /> Village Blend's request' is two-pronged: to sell beverages for consumption, including <br /> wine, on the premises; in addition, it is located within 250 feet of a residential district. <br /> According to the City Ordinance, the stated uses are allowed with a permitted <br /> conditional use permit in the Commercial zoning district. In addition, the applicant will <br /> need to obtain an on-sale wine license from.the City Council. . <br /> • According to City Ordinance, in order to serve wine and get an on-sale wine license, the <br /> establishment must be considered a "restaurant." The City Ordinance states a <br /> restaurant should accommodate seating for 50 persons while the State Statute says <br /> seating should be for 30 persons, thus the applicant meets the condition on seating. In <br /> order to serve wine, another requirement is the establishment must regularly serve <br /> meals that are prepared on the premises. According to the application, the Village Blend <br /> plans to offer a light menu. The applicant states that from 6:00 a.m. until closing, a <br /> limited menu will include pastries, sandwiches, and desserts. <br /> One question the City Attorney asked of the Village Blend Cafes' request is to the <br /> definition of a restaurant and the offerings on the menu in the context of serving wine. <br /> Would a light menu be considered a meal? What constitutes a meal? In a recent case <br /> (Clay Montella vs. City Ottertail), it was determined that preparing and serving coffee <br /> and dessert does not constitute preparing and serving a meal..The conclusion was <br /> reached because the word meal refers to a group of food items that include a main <br /> course, and frequently includes a beverage, dessert, and other food items. Coffee and <br /> dessert are commonly parts of a meal, but they are not commonly considered to be a <br /> meal by themselves. Since Village Blend Cafe plans to serve sandwiches and pastries, <br /> perhaps that is enough to constitute a meal. In addition to wine, other beverages to be <br /> offered at the Village Blend Cafe include coffee and smoothies. <br /> Staff Recommendation: <br /> Overall, the Village Blend Cafe concept fits with the City Ordinance, with the exception <br /> of the sale of wine. Consensus should be met on the City Ordinance definition of a <br /> restaurant in context of the on-sale wine license. <br />