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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 18 <br /> January 6, 2004 <br /> Page 18 <br /> 1 Councilmember Horst asked about the setback request. Planning Commission Chair Melsha <br /> 2 stated they used the rule of the average setback of the two adjacent properties so it would be a 32 <br /> 3 to 33 foot setback. Councilmember Horst stated that to grant the requested setback variance,the <br /> 4 house would not look the same as the other houses in the neighborhood. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Councilmember Horst asked about the feasibility of adding a bathroom to the back of the house. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Rod Rabine, applicant, stated he has not explored that option because the plumbing would not be <br /> 9 as accessible. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Marilyn Jedinak; 2712- 34`h Avenue, stated she is opposed to both requests, the lot coverage <br /> 12 variance and the front yard setback variance. She stated the neighbor to the east had explained <br /> 13 to her that the applicant wanted to add a master bath to their house. She stated at that time she <br /> 14 did not imagine how large the bathroom would be or the impact to the setback. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Ms. Jedinak stated she appreciates getting the letter from the City about this request. She stated <br /> 17 she came to the City and asked questions about the application and the setback. At that time, the <br /> 18 Assistant City-Manager stated the setback hadn't been considered yet so she would review that <br /> 19 issue. Ms. Jedinak stated she then got a letter for the second variance request. She stated if this <br /> 20 is approved, the entire site of her house would disappear from 34`''Avenue. Also, she has an east <br /> 21 facing window that would have no view of the road. She stated that she understands wanting to <br /> 22 have your mother visit, but believes losing the site of her house will negatively impact the value <br /> 23 of her house. She stated she proposed using the back of the house and does not think it would be <br /> 24 impossible to do so. Or, an option to build up could be considered. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Ms. Jedinak stated another issue is water drainage, which has always been a problem. She stated <br /> 27 her property is downgrade from the Rabine property. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Councilmember Thuesen asked if there was discussion about the total lot coverage and impact <br /> 30 on water drainage. Planning Commission Chair Melsha stated it was such a small percentage of <br /> 31 increase, it was considered the drainage impact would be negligible. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Councilmember Faust asked Todd Hubmer to respond to the issue of water drainage. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Todd Hubmer, WSB &Associates, Inc., stated he is at a disadvantage to answer because he does <br /> 36 not know the existing lot coverage or proposed increase. He stated that 220 square feet of <br /> 37 impervious surface results in a small amount of water during a normal storm event. He advised <br /> 38 that the calculations for the City's stormwater designs are based on 40% coverage. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Motion by Councilmember Horst, seconded by Councilmember Thuesen, to adopt Resolution <br /> 41 04-011, Approving Lot Coverage Variance Request for 2800 - 34th Avenue NE. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Discussion: <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Councilmember Horst stated that the City always wants to encourage property owners to <br /> 46 improve their property and increase its value. He stated that this is a small lot so it is difficult to <br />