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34 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 07/08/04 MEETING DATE: 07/20/04 <br /> TO: Chair Stromgren & Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: Sunset Memorial Park Sign <br /> Requested Action: <br /> July 20 is the public hearing for the sign variances associated with a second monument <br /> sign proposed for Sunset Memorial Park, 2250 St. Anthony Boulevard. The Planning <br /> Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their July 27 <br /> meeting. The applicant requested this case be brought forward swiftly; therefore, no <br /> concept review was held. <br /> Background: <br /> Sunset Memorial Park is requesting two sign variances for a ground, or monument, sign <br /> proposed for the intersection of St. Anthony Boulevard and New Brighton Boulevard <br /> (see map attached). On behalf of Sunset Memorial Park, the Lawrence Sign.Company <br /> has been contacting the City on this request. <br /> Two variances have been requested by the applicant: (1) for a second monument sign; <br /> and (2) a height variance of 6 feet for a proposed height of 14 feet. <br /> The City's zoning map for the subject property shows it as R-1 Single Family. However, <br /> according to the city code, cemeteries fall under Recreational Open Space (ROS). For <br /> all intensive purposes, the City will consider this request under the ROS district; the <br /> cemetery is considered a legal nonconforming use in the ROS. <br /> Technically, staff has explained that one ground sign is allowed. One monument sign <br /> was recently erected on the property at the Park entrance, on St. Anthony Boulevard <br /> across from Gross Golf Course. (Please note this monument sign is not yet landscaped, <br /> which is a requirement of all ground signs.) <br /> The proposed ground sign measures an overall height of 14 feet with the base. The <br /> maximum height for a ground sign is 8 feet, thus the variance request for 6 feet. <br /> Upon review of the proposed sign, staff has noted the copy surface area measures 13' <br /> X 7'6", or 97.5 square feet, for one side. In addition, after the fact, the applicant <br /> explained this is a two-sided sign, which would put the total copy surface area at 195 <br /> square feet. In the ROS, the maximum allowed for copy surface area is 150 square feet, <br /> which is quite liberal. The applicant's sign exceeds this; however, a variance request did <br /> not come forward for this. The applicant is over by 45 square feet on copy surface area. <br /> Staff has explained this to the applicant, but it was after the Public Hearing posting <br /> occurred. It appears a variance for copy surface area would be necessary to implement <br /> the proposed signage as two-sided. <br />