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41 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 07/12/04 MEETING DATE: 07/20/04 <br /> TO: Chair Stromgren & Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: City Electronic Monument Sign <br /> Requested Action: <br /> On July 20, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for the actions <br /> associated to implement the City's electronic monument sign. This includes two sign <br /> variances and a conditional use permit. The Planning Commission's recommendation <br /> will be forwarded to the City Council for their July 27 meeting. <br /> Background: <br /> On June 15, the Planning Commission held a concept review of the City's electronic <br /> sign. The sign is proposed to be located on the hill in front of the tennis courts, nearby <br /> the intersection of 33`d Avenue and Silver Lake Road (see map attached). The sign will <br /> be two-sided, in a closed off "V" configuration (see attached drawing). <br /> City staff has been working with LeRoy Sign .Company on sign specifications. Two <br /> variances will be necessary to implement the signage: (1) for copy surface area; and (2) <br /> a height variance of 2 feet for a proposed height of 10 feet. A conditional use permit is <br /> also required. <br /> It is recommended the City go with a 10' h X 12' w sign, which includes a two-foot brick <br /> base. The sign's message center measures 4' h X 12' w, while the top half of the sign is <br /> the City logo, measuring 4' h X 12' w. Per side, the sign's copy surface area measures <br /> 96 square feet. A double-sided side is recommended, which would make a total copy <br /> surface area of 192 square feet. Per the sign ordinance, a maximum of 150 square feet <br /> is allowed for total copy surface area in the Recreational Open Space (ROS) zoning <br /> district, where the sign is proposed to be located. Therefore, a variance of 42 square <br /> feet would be necessary. <br /> The City's sign ordinance requires ground signs to be a maximum height of 8 feet. The <br /> proposed sign is 10 feet with the brick base. Therefore, a height variance of 2 feet is <br /> necessary for the proposed sign. Under the ROS zoning district, there is no requirement <br /> mentioned for ground sign height; however, the City opted to ask for this variance given <br /> typical ground sign height. <br /> As far as justification for the variances, one reason the sign got larger was because it <br /> had to incorporate the city logo. The city logo is dimensionally difficult to reduce to make <br /> the sign copy surface area smaller. The city logo cannot be sized any smaller than <br /> shown on the drawings to work. The city logo is required, per City Council goals and <br /> objectives, for uniform communications. In addition, the sign needs to be large enough <br /> for visibility purposes, so it can be seen from the roadway and is safe. Finally, the City <br />