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JUL.IJ.G✓JYJ4 J•YJ4rl'I LC-Mul JIVIYJ I1V. r LCJ r.JJ <br /> ao7/}zI2Qu4 <br /> q9:43 FAX 012 781 P323 RrTY'0F ST ANTRONT: .. dal <br /> .. _ 43 <br /> Fee: 100.00 <br /> CITY OF ST. ANTHONY hta' <br /> Petition for Sign Variance <br /> Applicant: city of St. Anthony <br /> Address: 3301 Silver Llce Road Phone;612T789,8�81. <br /> S►atus of applicdn-jf (awns;, 1-uyer, renter, agent, eio.): Owner <br /> Street address and/or legal desrriptlon of property petitioned for variance: <br /> 3301 Si_1ver Lake Road <br /> Zoning district, in which property is located: Recreational space <br /> 9a asst: variance of 42 s.f. in surface area and 2' � 'total helght is requ5eate4 <br /> fo� fki propo city URZ =n==t 949n. <br /> Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinances require that the following conditions be satisfied <br /> for approvsl of this request. Please respond to these 4onditions, using additional sheets, <br /> if necessary. <br /> 1. The Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the•public welfare or <br /> I injurious to other property in the neighborhood or village,The l�'er size and hea ght <br /> will allow �e sign to be easier to dead and will not be detrimental to the <br /> public welfare ov have a negative affect on property. <br /> 2. A particular hardship to the applicant wpuid result if the itrict letter of the <br /> regulations are adhered to. In order for the sign to be properly visa•ble to drivers <br /> ongsalver Lake Roact,r the sign needs to be set back f= the street as proposed <br /> and thus needs to be slightly t!]ller apd larger to pe properly visible. <br /> 3. The conditions upon which the applications for a variance are based ere unique <br /> to the parcel of land for which the variance is sought and are not applicable, <br /> generally, to other property within the same land-use classification. The greater set back <br /> allows the sign to have greater visibility to both tine north & south flow of the <br /> traffic. The lamer ;34Ae is required to allow greater visibility of t-be sicjn and the <br /> puiFolc service =$Sages that.will be di$played. Vxe to the layout and shape of the <br /> city logo, the larger size is required to properly display the top identification <br /> section of the sign so it <br /> S gnature of Applicant <br /> Date: <br />