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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> March 21, 2000 <br /> Page 7 <br /> • <br /> 1 attention to his letter of March 10, 2000 in which he explained the reason for the initial proposal <br /> 2 of Hillcrest Development for a C-2 Commercial zoning. <br /> 3 In short, Mr. Gleekel's letter stated that in order for Hillcrest's redevelopment of the Apache <br /> 4 Plaza property to be successful, Hillcrest requires flexibility. The proposed C-2 district is a <br /> 5 highbred of the City's C General Commercial District and its LI Light Industrial District. While <br /> 6 the C-2 district broadly defines general office uses and includes different language with respect <br /> 7 to some of the business and industrial uses, there are no new use categories included in the C-2 <br /> 8 district. <br /> 9 Mr. Gleekel directed the Commission's attention to the definitions and inclusions in the proposed <br /> 10 C-2 Commercial District that had been prepared by his office. <br /> 11 Bergstrom acknowledged that this is an important project for the City and commended Mr. <br /> 12 Tankenoff on his excellent manner in updating the Council, Planning Commission, and <br /> 13 community on the status of the project. With respect to creating a new zoning district, this is <br /> 14 something new to the City and was one of the reasons behind the need for hiring a planner. <br /> 15 Bergstrom stated that the City would like to move forward and not be viewed as a stumbling <br /> 16 block for the project. The City realizes that time is of the essence and it is doing its best to <br /> 17 accommodate the schedule that Hillcrest is under. <br /> •8 Additionally, g PP Bergstrom supported Mr. Tankenoff s idea of a bus tour and believed that this was <br /> 19 an essential part of understanding the process. Bergstrom offered to confer with the other Com- <br /> 20 missioners and would inform Mr. Tankenoff of proposed dates for the tour. <br /> 21 Tillmann requested a brief summary about the need for a change in zoning district. Mr. Gleekel <br /> 22 responded that a C-1 district allows for most retail uses, and an LI Light Industrial is another dis- <br /> 23 trict that allows for certain office uses. For the purpose of Hillcrest Development, Mr. Gleekel <br /> 24 had combined both uses to allow for the flexibility in zoning that Hillcrest will need for a suc- <br /> 25 cessful project. <br /> 26. In response to a comment that some conditions from the LI District were not included in the C-2 <br /> 27 rezoning, Mr. Tankenoff responded that certain items were deleted because Hillcrest Develop- <br /> 28 ment was against certain types of businesses occupying portions of Apache Plaza that would cre- <br /> 29 ate outside storage issues or manufacturing of products that would create strong odors. <br /> 30 Hatch suggested that a document be drafted that would specify the reasons why certain particu- <br /> 31 lars were deleted from the C-2 district. Mr. Gleekel responded that it was an excellent idea to <br /> 32 create a record of the reasoning behind the specifics of the C-2 District. <br /> 33 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr. Tankenoff and Mr. Gleekel for their attendance and presentation. <br /> 034 B. Lot Coverage Report, Commissioner Tillmann and Todd Hubmer, WSB, Inc. <br /> 35 Tillmann referred the Commission's attention to her memorandum discussing the proposed <br /> 36 changes to the lot coverage ordinances. The memo was briefly reviewed and Tillmann offered <br />