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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> March 21, 2000 <br /> Page 8 <br /> • <br /> 1 her opinion that the Commission should consider ways to make consistency the norm. <br /> 2 Chair Bergstrom welcomed Todd Hubmer, WSB, Inc., and invited him to address the Commis- <br /> 3 sion. <br /> 4 Mr. Hubmer explained that he had been asked to review the impact on the City's stormwater <br /> 5 issue by altering the lot coverage ordinance. In this respect, Mr. Hubmer distributed to the <br /> 6 Commission a handout that depicted a rough plat map of the City using available GIS <br /> 7 information. The map indicated the specific lots within the City that are less than 9,000 square <br /> 8 feet in area,which total approximately 480 lots. <br /> 9 In short, Mr. Hubmer stated that if the Commission were to decide to increase the lot coverage <br /> 10 from 35%to 40%for the lots less than 9,000 square feet, there would be no appreciable increase <br /> 11 in stormwater runoff. <br /> 12 Another point he had been asked to address was whether a deck should be considered an <br /> 13 impervious or pervious surface. It was Mr. Hubmer's opinion that a deck was a pervious surface <br /> 14 unless it was constructed over an impervious surface, such as concrete or possibly plastic <br /> 15 covering. <br /> 16 In essence, Mr. Hubmer stated that the Commission had essentially three options to consider in <br /> 17 modifying the current lot coverage ordinance: • <br /> 18 1. Increasing allowable lot coverage from 35% - 40%for lots less than 9,000 square feet; <br /> 19 2. Removing decks as part of the definition of impervious surfaces; and <br /> 20 3. Increasing the lot coverage maximum to 40% city wide. <br /> 21 In response to increasing the lot coverage city-wide by 40%, Bergstrom expressed his belief that <br /> 22 the Planning Commission and the City Council are sensitive to allowing new paved surfaces. <br /> 23 Mr. Hubmer responded that it would be an incremental impact and one that would most likely <br /> 24 require additional research to determine the long-term effect. However, he stated that many <br /> 25 residents currently exceed the 35% lot coverage maximum. <br /> 26 Mr. Hubmer also explained that there are simple things that homeowners can do to alleviate <br /> 27 stormwater running into the street. For example, ensuring the guttering is pointed the correct di- <br /> 28 rection and planting additional vegetation. He stated that one of the components for the City's <br /> 29 stormwater plan is education to assist residents in understanding water management. <br /> 30 Bergstrom wished to confirm that if the Commission increased the current lot coverage <br /> 31 maximum from 35%to 40% for lots under 9,000 square feet, it would not have a significant <br /> 32 impact on the City's water issue. Todd confirmed that was a correct statement. <br /> 33 Additionally, Mr. Hubmer was asked if the Commission continued with the current lot coverage • <br /> 34 of 35%, and exempted decks from the impervious surface definition, would that have a <br /> 35 significant impact on the stormwater? Mr. Hubmer responded that as long as there was dirt or a <br /> 36 breathable fabric underneath the deck, it should not be a burden on the stormwater issue. <br />
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