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PL PACKET 04182000
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PL PACKET 04182000
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> March 21, 2000 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Stille offered that increasing the lot coverage maximum from 35%to 40% on 9,000 square foot <br /> 2 lots does not appear to be a burden on the City and could eliminate the need for some types of <br /> 3 variances. Furthermore, he would view a deck as a pervious surface if certain conditions were <br /> 4 met, such as dirt underneath the deck or a breathable fabric used. Stille felt that if the ordinance <br /> 5 were modified correctly, it would be easier for the Commission to follow and enforce the ordi- <br /> 6 nance to the letter. <br /> 7 Melsha expressed his belief that decks are a pervious surface and felt that either of the first two <br /> 8 options mentioned above would be a simple alteration to the ordinance and should not show any <br /> 9 appreciable effects on the runoff. <br /> 10 Thomas agreed with both Stille and Melsha, and explained that his concern would be with garage <br /> 11 additions, undersized lots, and drainage issues. He suggested that a homeowner be able to show <br /> 12 how stormwater runoff would be dealt with, and that could possibly be a condition of a person <br /> 13 having a two-car garage. <br /> 14 Hanson stated that he sees advantages to both options. <br /> 15 Tillmann agreed with a comment made earlier by Stille in that the Commission should set the or- <br /> 16 dinance in a way that it would be uncomplicated to enforce. <br /> 17 Hatch stated that he is leaning away from the first option presented and had a question about op- <br /> 18 tion 2. He inquired if the building inspector, upon issuance of a building permit, could visit the <br /> 19 property and confirm that the ground underneath the deck would percolate runoff water. <br /> 20 Bergstrom stated that a key point of information was Mr. Hubmer's statement that the lot cover- <br /> 21 age maximum could be increased to 40%on undersized lots and that increase would not make a <br /> 22 significant difference to the community with respect to runoff. He felt that statement would help <br /> 23 alleviate fears and reservations that the Council and community might have. He felt that increas- <br /> 24 ing the lot coverage on smaller lots would encourage homeowners to make investments in their <br /> 25 homes. <br /> 26 Morrison suggested that the Planning Commission formulate a plan and recommendation for <br /> 27 Thomas to present to'the City Council at the April 11, 2000 meeting. He reminded the Commis- <br /> 28 sion that a public hearing would need to be held, as well as three readings. <br /> 29 Bergstrom asked Tillmann if she would draft a proposed recommendation for the lot coverage <br /> 30 change and provide a copy to Thomas for presentation to the City Council. Tillmann agreed and <br /> 31 stated that she would provide a copy to all Commissioners by e-mail. <br /> 32 Thomas wished to confirm that the Commission had decided to eliminate decks as impervious <br /> 3 surfaces for everyone in the City, and to raise the lot coverage maximum from 35%to 40% for <br /> 4 lots under 9,000 square feet. Additionally, a water management brochure would be attached to <br /> 35 the building permit application for educational purposes for homeowners. <br />
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