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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> March 14, 2000 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 Specifically, Mr. Bergstrom pointed out that, in 1999, the Commission held 11 public hearings, 9 <br /> 2 variance requests, 5 concept reviews, and various other activities. Mr. Bergstrom stated that the. <br /> 3 Planning Commission serves somewhat as a lightening rod for the Council and makes a <br /> 4 concerted effort to solicit comments from the public. <br /> 5 Additionally, Mr. Bergstrom thanked the Council for appointing a City Council Liaison to the <br /> 6 Planning Commission and stated that such a connection promotes excellent communication <br /> 7 between the two organizations. <br /> 8 Mr. Bergstrom wished to review a few of the upcoming activities for the year 2000: <br /> 9 1. Apache Plaza. Hillcrest Development is providing an excellent job in keeping the <br /> 10 City residents informed as well as the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. <br /> 1 l Bergstrom foresees two major issues surrounding the Apache Plaza renovation: (a) the <br /> 12 demalling of the structure will create many issues with respect to the community, public <br /> 13 space, landscaping, traffic situations, and other issues; (b) with equal significance is the <br /> 14 long-term development of the surrounding property. <br /> In short, as Chair of the Planning Commission, Mr. Bergstrom would recommend that the <br /> W City hire a planning firm to promote the City's interests in the renovation of the property. <br /> 17 Furthermore, Mr. Bergstrom recommended that the City Council provide City Manager <br /> 18 Michael Morrison the authority to retain the planning firm of Dahlgren, Shardlow, Uban <br /> 19 ("DSU") as soon as possible to work with Hillcrest Development, on behalf of the City, <br /> 20 during this major redevelopment period. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 In addition, Mr. Bergstrom would suggest that the Planning Commission be empowered <br /> 23 to take the lead, together with the City Manager, to move forward with plans for the <br /> 24 renovation of Apache Plaza. <br /> 25 Morrison offered that this is a large parcel of property and time is of the essence. It <br /> 26 would be his recommendation for the City Council to authorize the City Manager to <br /> 27 negotiate with the planning firm. He reminded the Council that there are funds in the <br /> 28 Planning Commission budget to pay for initial start up costs, and a preliminary agreement <br /> 29 with the developer would be drafted. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Additionally, Morrison stated that Hillcrest Development already has a professional staff <br /> 32 on board. The intent of hiring a planner for the City is not to create additional energy, but <br /> 33 to provide an opportunity for both the City and Hillcrest to work together in developing <br /> 34 an excellent project. <br /> 105 Cavandugh expressed his understanding that the firm of DSU has been highly <br /> 36 recommended and he was aware of its excellent reputation. <br />