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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> March 14, 2000 <br /> Page 10 • <br /> 1 Motion by Thuesen to authorize the City Manager to hire the firm of Dahlgren, Shardlow, Uban <br /> 2 ("DSU") to perform planning services for the redevelopment of Apache Plaza in an amount not <br /> 3 to exceed $3,000.00. <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 5 Additionally, Thuesen expressed his support for authorizing the Planning Commission to become <br /> 6 directly involved in the planning of Apache Plaza. <br /> 7 2. Joint Meeting with City Council. <br /> 8 Mr. Bergstrom stated that the Planning Commission is looking forward to the joint <br /> 9 meeting with the City Council on April 18, 2000. The meeting is scheduled to begin at <br /> 10 5:30 p.m. and last until 7:00 p.m., at which time the regular Planning Commission <br /> 11 meeting will begin. The meeting is intended to serve as a forum to discuss planning- <br /> 12 related issues of concern to both the Commission and the Council. <br /> 13 3. Bus Tour. <br /> 14 A bus tour of the City has been scheduled for the Planning Commission members on the <br /> 15 morning of Saturday, April 15. The purpose of the tour is to acquaint the members with • <br /> 16 the physical conditions in the City, including housing stock, commercial and industrial <br /> 17 districts, for comparison with proposed actions in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. <br /> 18 Bergstrom invited any members of the Council who would like to join the Planning <br /> 19 Commission for the bus tour. <br /> 20 In summary, Mr. Bergstrom felt it was vitally important that the Planning Commission <br /> 21 encourage maintenance and enhancement of the housing stock in the City. Additionally, <br /> 22 Mr. Bergstrom stated that the Planning Commission can boast significant talent within <br /> 23 the members and would like to take the lead on projects as directed by the Council. <br /> 24 Cavanaugh mentioned that he had provided City Manager Michael Morrison with a draft <br /> 25 of a book that would.provide some structure for the Planning Commission, as well as <br /> 26 provide materials for new Commissioners. <br /> 27 C. Fire Chief Dick Johnson Will Present the Fire Department's 1999 Annual Report. <br /> 28 Mayor Cavanaugh invited Fire Chief Richard Johnson to address the Council. Mr. Johnson <br /> 29 stated that he would be presenting the 1999 Annual Report, which would be his last presentation <br /> 30 before his retirement. <br /> 31 Essentially, Mr. Johnson said the most somber and foremost event of the year was the passing of <br /> 32 Bill Myers. Mr. Myers had been a dedicated and valuable employee of the Department for 28 <br /> 33 years and the Department felt a tremendous loss. <br />