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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 06/12/02 MEETING DATE: 06/18/02 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manage <br /> SUBJECT: Floor area ratio and garage/accessory building <br /> Requested Action: <br /> Amend the City Ordinance relating to the definition of"garage" and "accessory building" <br /> in relation to the "floor area ratio" and to regulate the size of garages in residential <br /> districts. <br /> Background: <br /> Calculation of the floor area ratio came up this past spring in the plans for a new single <br /> family home at 3501 Downers Drive in St. Anthony. The builder, Tom Brama, didn't <br /> agree with how the floor area ratio was'figured and had a different interpretation of the <br /> code than the Building Official (see Castle Inspection.letter attached). Mr. Brama did not <br /> believe the garage should be treated as part of the floor area of the home. <br /> The City Ordinance requires a floor area ratio not to exceed 30% of the lot area in order <br /> to limit the mass of the structure. The floor area ratio is-defined as "the ratio of the— -_ - - <br /> maximum permitted floor area of the principal building or buildings to the area of the lot <br /> on which they are located or to be located. The maximum allowable floor area on a lot is <br /> determined by multiplying the lot area by the floor area ratio." The City's Building Official. <br /> and staff have read the City Ordinance to mean floor area is to include all floor areas <br /> except the basement and there have been no exception for garages,.unfinished, or <br /> uninhabitable areas. <br /> The City Attorney's Office recently reviewed the code and believe the definitions of <br /> accessory building and garage is ambiguous to the definition of floor area ratio (see <br /> Dorsey and Whitney letter attached). For clarity sake, the City Attorney's Office <br /> recommends amending the City Ordinance as follows: <br /> (Redefine the term) Garage: An accessory building or portion of a principal <br /> building which is principally used for the storage of motor vehicles owned by <br /> occupants of the principal building. <br /> (Redefine the term) Accessory Building: A separate building or structure or a <br /> portion of a principal building or structure used for accessory uses. <br /> (Add to/Amend) Floor Area Ratio: The garage is not included in determining the <br /> floor area ratio as it is considered an accessory building. <br /> In addition to the above, the City may want to restrict the gross floor area of a garage <br /> cannot exceed 1000 square feet. Also, the City may want to add the garage cannot be <br /> bigger than the principal structure. <br />