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Subd. 25. Dwelling. M_ ule_. A building with three or more dwelling units, access <br /> to which is provided from a common internal hallway. <br /> Subd..26 Dwelling. Single-Family. A dwelling designed to accommodate one <br /> family. <br /> Subd 27. Dwelling, Two-Family. A dwelling designed to accommodate two <br /> families in separate dwelling units, each unit with its own means of access. <br /> Subd. 28. Family. One person or two or more persons each related to the others by <br /> blood, marriage, adoption, or foster care, or a group of not more than the owner of a <br /> residence plus three persons not so related occupying the residence and <br /> maintaining a common household and using common cooking and kitchen <br /> facilities. <br /> Subd. 29. Fast Food Restaurant. A restaurant in which the primary method of <br /> dispensing and selling food is over the counter directly to the customer for <br /> consumption on the premises or elsewhere, excluding restaurants in which more <br /> than 20% of the gross sales are through table service. <br /> Subd. 30. Floor Area. The sum of the gross areas of all floors in a structure except <br /> the basement floor, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. <br /> Subd. 31. Floor Area Ratio. The ratio of the maximum, permitted floor area of the <br /> principal building or buildings to the area of the lot on which they are located or to <br /> be located. The maximum allowable floor area on a lot is determined by <br /> multiplying the lot area by the floor area ratio. <br /> Subd. 32. Garden Level Apartment. An apartment on the lowest level of a <br /> building and in which the height of the base of windows is not more than four feet <br /> above the floor. <br /> Subd. 33. Garage. An accessory building the primary purpose of which is to house <br /> automobiles. <br /> Subd. 34. Garage Sale.. Any display of items for sale in a dwelling, garage or yard on <br /> a property used primarily as a residence. <br /> Subd. 35. Grade. The elevation of the garage floor in a structure with an attached <br /> or tuck under garage, or the elevation of the average finished surface of the ground <br /> at the building setback line in a structure with a detached garage. <br /> Subd. 36. Tunk Yard. Property where waste, discarded or salvaged materi als are <br /> bought, sold, stored, exchanged, cleaned,packed, disassembled or handled. <br /> Subd. 37. Kennel. Property other than animal hospitals, pet shops and veterinary <br /> clinics, which is deemed to be a kennel under Section 520.01. <br /> 16-6 <br />