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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> June 21 , 1983 <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chair Makowske at 7 : 32 P.M. <br /> Present for roll call : Zawislak, Bowerman, Makowske , Bjorklund, Wagner, <br /> and Franzese. <br /> Absent: Jones . <br /> Also present: David Childs ,. City Manager; Stephen Yurick, Arkell <br /> Development; .and Gary Tushie, Saunders-Thalden <br /> Architects . <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner- Franzese <br /> to approve as submitted the minutes for the Planning Commission meeting <br /> held May 17, 1983. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Commissioner Jones arrived at 7: 36 P.M. , just shortly after the Chair <br /> had opened the public hearing on the request from the Arkand Partner- <br /> ship for approval of a Planned Unit Development Concept Plan for the <br /> 134 unit condominium development to be constructed on the north side <br /> of Kenzie Terrace between the. Lowry .Grove._Mobile__Home._ Park and—the <br /> American Legion building. Chair Makowske read the notice of the hear- <br /> ing*, excluding the legal description, which •had been mailed to all <br /> adjoining property owners within 350 feet of the project site and had <br /> been published in the Bulletin, June 9th. There were six persons <br /> present but none of them reported failure to receive the notice or <br /> objected to its content. <br /> The Commissioners had been .provided site plans for the project which <br /> would be developed as Phase 1 of the Kenzie Terrace Redevelopment <br /> Project for which a recommendation of approval was being sought and <br /> the proposal was presented by Mr . Yurick and Mr . Tushie . The latter <br /> explained that the original plans had been modified so a four story <br /> building could be built to accommodate more two bedroom units and to <br /> change the type of building .,material to be used since his firm would <br /> now be .able to build a precst concrete structure at a more reasonable <br /> price than the frame building they had originally planned. With a <br /> concrete building and the loft bedrooms built into the area where an <br /> attic had previously been proposed , Mr. Tushie indicated the building <br /> would actually be two or three feet shorter than the 43 foot tall <br /> building originally proposed. <br /> When Commissioner Bjorklund inquired about the signage for the build- <br /> ing, Mr. Tushie indicated the only sign would be on the bus stop <br /> building in front of the entrance which would be designed with a "guard <br /> house" motif. <br /> When the question was raised whether there would be enough parking <br /> to accommodate the type of residents who could be expected to buy the <br />