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4 <br /> -2- <br /> condominiums, the architect told the Commissioners his group had done <br /> an indepth study of parking requirements for similar projects both in • <br /> Minneapolis and in the suburbs and had provided parking which the <br /> developers believe would be more than adequate for both owners and <br /> visitors use, based on the experience in complexes like the Towers <br /> and Greenbriar, where a large amount of the parking provided is never <br /> used. The underground stalls would be sold separately .and assigned <br /> so they would be close to the unit they served and Mr. Yurick indicated <br /> that, if the demand is there, additional stalls could be built under <br /> the courtyard at the start of construction. The Arkand representative <br /> said he would have a better idea about the parking needs when he gets <br /> back the survey letters which were sent to the 200 persons who had <br /> indicated an interest in knowing more about the condominiums since <br /> those questions were directed especially to ascertain the prospective <br /> buyers ' parking requirements . Mr. Tushie indicated there would be a <br /> security person on duty 24 hours a day - and a system would be set up <br /> to permit guests access to the building. He also told the Commissioners <br /> consideration would be given to providing a T.V. monitoring system to <br /> provide better security for the garage area. <br /> In response to questions from Rose Perzell, 2521 - 27th Avenue N.E. , <br /> the architect said each unit would be provided with a wall air con- <br /> ditioning unit because central air conditioning would be much more <br /> expensive. Buyers would have the option of connecting to the central <br /> system, however, Mr. Yurick said, and the- developers would be looking <br /> into a new energy management system which might be feasible for this <br /> building. <br /> Mr. Yurick told Mrs . Perzell the costs of the units would run between <br /> the low 50 ' s and high 70 ' s with a higher cost for three bedroom units , <br /> if such are provided. He anticipates the association fees for a one <br /> bedroom unit would run about $100 a month and would be about $130 <br /> for a two bedroom condominium. He told her husband, Roy Perzell , the <br /> units are proposed to be finished off when purchased but changes , <br /> except those relating to plumbing, could possibly be accommodated . <br /> William Tabaika, 2512 - 27th Avenue N.E . , was shown on the site plans <br /> that there could be no alley traffic from the project which would be <br /> buffered from the residential to the north with grassy areas , and <br /> possibly garden plots for the condominium owners . All garbage would <br /> be hauled from the front of the building, he was told. Mr. Yurick <br /> indicated there would be two elevators in the building , one built <br /> large enough to accommodate a stretcher . <br /> The hearing was closed at 8 : 17 P .M. <br /> Mr. Childs told the Commissioners that if they recommend approval of <br /> the P .U.D. they would be also indicating their agreement with the <br /> setback, - total and unit density, height of the building , and parking <br /> for which variances would normally be necessary to construct the <br /> project as proposed. He told -Commissioner Franzese there would be no <br /> state mandated increase -in Fire or Police Department personnel to <br /> match the increase in population generated by this project. He said <br /> no decision has been made as to whether or not there would be sidewalks <br />