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- 4 - <br /> • 1 favor of the proposal . He also indicated most of those opposing the rezoning <br /> 2 were especially concerned about the use of the property in the event the pastor <br /> 3 is transferred, which could very easily happen. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Mrs. H. McHugh, 3640 Coolidge Street N.E., said she owns rental property and <br /> 6 her experience has been that the tenants ruin the property. She said she is <br /> 7 opposed to any type of rental property in St. Anthony. Her sentiments were <br /> 8 shared by Jim Mancino, 3626 Harding Street N.E., who said, "tenants are never <br /> 9 the same as home owners". <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Commissioner Hansen responded by saying the issue before the Commission should <br /> 12 not be renters versus private property owners, but rather, whether or not to <br /> 13 rezone the Krueger property as requested. He said the same problems with <br /> 14 renters are present when single family homes are rented out in the City and the <br /> 15 Chairman commented that he knows a few home owners who are poor neighbors as <br /> 16 well . Commissioner Franzese indicated that she perceived an empty lot would <br /> 17 not be an enhancement to the neighborhood either. <br /> I-8 <br /> 19 When Elmer Beerman, 3622 Coolidge Street N.E., asked just what control the City <br /> 20 had over the conversion of single family property into double occupancy, the . <br /> 21 Manager said the Ordinance provides for relatives living with families without <br /> 22 rezoning, as long as separate cooking facilities are not installed. He also <br /> 23 said because of the civil rights issues involved, the ordinance had been <br /> 24 rewritten to recognize up to six individuals living in a dwelling as constituting <br /> 25 a family. <br /> 26 <br /> • <br /> 27 The hearing was closed at 9: 10 p.m. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 The general consensus of the Commission members was that the neighbor's were <br /> 30 not so much opposed to a duplex per se but that their opposition stemmed from <br /> 31 their unhappiness with the manner in which another duplex in that neighborhood <br /> 32 is maintained and the type of tenants which have come and gone there over the <br /> 33 years. Commissioner Jones disputed the impression that all duplexes are <br /> 34 maintained so poorly, pointing to several examples in the same area which he <br /> 35 believes refute that claim. He suggested the neighbors should report any <br /> 36 maintenance, parking, or noise violations to Mr. Childs who is "very accessible", <br /> 37 and to the Mayor or Council members who the Commissioner said, are always happy <br /> 38 to hear from their constituents. He complimented those present for their <br /> 39 vigilance of what is happening in their neighborhood and said it i-s a rare <br /> 40 occurence to have residents avail themselves of their privilege to affect City <br /> 41 decisions. The Commissioner said, without their opposition, he perceives the <br /> 42 proposal would probably have gone to the Council with the Commission's <br /> 43—r_ecommendati-on_for appr_oval_,_since they_had_encouraged the applicant to seek <br /> 44 a public hearing because his proposal had impressed them so favorably before <br /> 45 they knew the neighbors would be opposed to it. Commissioner Bjorklund urged <br /> 46 those present to continue that vigilance by attending the May 22 Council meeting <br /> 47 where, he said, it is possible that the Council would reverse the Commission <br /> 48 recommendation of denial . The Manager indicated that he rather expected the <br /> 49 application would be withdrawn once Mr. Krueger learns of the opposition and <br /> 50 he promised to let the neighbors know if that should happen. <br /> 51 <br /> 52 Commissioner Franzese said she was prepared to vote for a recommendation of <br /> 53 denial but was nevertheless sorry the bad experience with another duplex had <br /> 54 prompted so much opposition to this proposal which she personally believes, <br /> 55 would have produced a well designed-home which could have been aesthetically <br />