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- 5 - <br /> . 1 pleasing to the rest of the neighborhood. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Jones to recommend <br /> 4 Council denial of 'the request from Howard Krueger for rezoning his property at <br /> 5 3631 Harding Street N.E., from- R-1 (single family dwelling) to R-2 (two family <br /> 6 dwelling) and the accompanying lot size frontage variances, finding that: <br /> 7 <br /> 8 1. There was major and significant opposition to the proposal from the <br /> 9. . neighbors during the May 15, 1984 hearing which was reflected in the petition <br /> 10 of opposition signed by 80 persons from that area. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 2. The rezoning would be contrary to the City's land use plans for that <br /> 13 neighborhood. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Before the vote was taken, Commissioner Bowerman suggested it might be advisable <br /> 16 to refer to the lot size deficiencies to which Commissioner Jones responded that <br /> 17 he could not accept that friendly amendment because, even if the lot met all <br /> 18 zoning requirements, in the face of all the opposition demonstrated that evening, <br /> 19 he would have voted against the request. Commissioner Bowerman withdrew his <br /> 20 amendment suggestion. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 The meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m., for the public <br /> 25 hearing for a variance to the Fence Ordinance which would permit Ken Heibel to <br /> 26 construct an 8 foot 1 inch by 4 inch cedar board fence on his property at 3341 <br /> 27 Skycroft Circle. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Bjorklund had left the meeting during the recess. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 In his May 11 memorandum to the Commission on the proposal , Mr. Childs had <br /> 32 indicated he would recommend approval of the fence variance as requested, but <br /> 33 indicated he would have some reservations about allowing the "ornamental" <br /> 34 rafters closer than 3 feet from the property line. No objections had been <br /> 35 received from the neighbors and Mike Heibel who represented his father at the <br /> 36 hearing, indicated the next door neighbor, Maurice Hugill , 3337 Skycroft Circle <br /> 37 had voiced no objections to the plan when it was presented to him. He said Mr. <br /> 38 Hugill 's garage abuts the fence which divides his property from the Heibel 's <br /> 39 and there are no living areas on that side. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 No other person was present to speak for or against the proposal and Mike Heibel <br /> 42 said his family had no intention of making a roof out of the rafters, but rather, <br />---4-3 planned- to_keep_them_open_f_or_hangi-ng_p_l_ants.,_etc_.—It_w.as_al_so determined that <br /> 44 the grade elevations on the Heibel property were lower than the neighbors' so <br /> 45 an eight foot fence would not look strange where proposed. Commissioner Jones <br /> 46 indicated his first impression had been that the fence would be constructed <br /> 47 right under the eaves of the house, but having been assured the eaves would be <br /> 48 at least two feet higher, concluded that an eight foot fence would probably <br /> 49 provide a better balance in appearance than one, two feet shorter. Commissioner <br /> 50 Hansen said he agreed, adding that, if the stringers area allowed, the six foot <br /> 51 fence would probably be much more objectionable. <br /> 52 <br /> 53 Commissioner Franzese was told that,, although the same application forms are <br /> 54 used for fence variances as are used for other'. varia,nces, the criteria are not <br /> 55: the same as for zoning variances. <br />