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-6- • <br /> * January Fire Department.: report; <br /> * January Liquor Operations Sales Summary. <br /> CITY MANAGER REPORTS <br /> Leaking Roofs in St. Anthony Village Shopping Center Noted <br /> Before -the February 3rd staff meeting' notes were ordered filed, <br /> Councilmember Makowske added .to. the reference to the roof at the Liquor <br /> Warehouse #1 "leaking very badly" by saying the man next. door was also <br /> complaining vehemently about the damage done to his store. <br /> Laure Burr to Serve as St. Anthony' s Representative to the Eastside <br /> Hennepin County Human Services Council, Inc . <br /> Mr. Childs reported the City had -two appointments to make to the above <br /> and had received two applications to fill those vacancies including Ms. <br /> Burr' s which had been provided in the agenda packet. The other applicant <br /> was a man who also appeared to be very well qualified for the position, <br /> but who might not . be eligible because -he resides. in the Ramsey County <br /> portion of St. Anthony. The City Manager said he was checking with <br /> Hennepin County to -see if an exception could be made for this applicant. <br /> Council Action <br /> Motion by Marks , seconded by Enrooth to appoint Laure Burr, 2417 - 30th <br /> Avenue N.E. to represent St. Anthony on the Eastside Hennepin County <br /> Human Services Council, Inc. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Action on Proposed Ordinance Changes Delayed for Return of Surveys. <br /> In his February 6th Update on Miscellaneous Items; included in the . agenda <br /> packet , Mr. Childs had suggested no action be taken that evening related <br /> to the proposed Ordinance amendments which would restrict parking and <br /> persons per living unit. . The Manager said he . had - received only half of . . . , <br /> the surveys he had 'sent to 30 other cities relating - to family size <br /> regulations but was certain that information would be. complete for the <br /> Council' s February 24th meeting. ' The Council agreed this would allow . <br /> more time for 'the -residents ,_to register their feelings about the- proposed <br /> changes. <br /> Variance for' . 32: Foot Width for St-. Anthony Boulevards to- be Sought <br /> Councilmembers , had been provided with copies of .a proposed resolution <br /> which :authorized- the . . Rieke-Carroll-Muller ,engineer .to apply to_ the state <br /> for the, above-: The'- petition would be based on the :20. .or. 30 arge,;arees <br /> which would probably be• lost 'if the •City constructed the street 36 fee* <br /> wide as required for MSA funding as well as the construction problems <br />