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• -7- <br /> which would. - be encountered with a street that wide in that particular , <br /> area. <br /> Mr .. Childs reported staff . had met with. the Minneapolis Park Board and had <br /> gotten them to agree to give the City- a permanent five foot easement and <br /> a temporary 10 foot easement during . construction period.-. He said the <br /> Board representatives. understood fully that. they could no longer use any <br /> . of the Boulevard for parking and that any of the golfers who did would . be <br /> tagged by City police. The Manager said the Park Board staff had been. <br /> amazingiy cooperative about get.ting. ..the road done, .but., of course,. their <br /> enthusiasm did not include any monetary aid. <br /> . Mr . Childs said although the previous Sunset Memorial Cemetery . owners - had <br /> indicated they would not oppose their . .assessments for. the project, .the <br /> ownership. had changed and the new . out-of-state owners would have to be <br /> contacted to see if they felt the same way. Because of the time .invo.lved <br /> in making this contact, holding assessment hearings if they oppose the <br /> assessments , and getting a variance from the state, the Manager said he <br /> doubted the project could be completed within this year ' s construction <br /> season. <br /> However, if the City is able to proceed with a less expensive, 32 foot <br /> street next year when there would be another MSA allotment available for <br /> the project, Mr. Childs said he expected the City would probably have <br /> enough MSA monies to.. accomplish the proj.ect without borrowing. And, he <br /> said, because he perceived this would be a comparative*ly. .easy project, .it <br /> should be able to be completed within the 1988 construction season.: <br /> Council Action <br /> Motion by Marks, seconded- by Sundland to adopt Resolution 87-011 . <br /> RESOLUTION 87-011 <br /> A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 32 FOOT <br /> ROADWAY FOR THE ST. ANTHONY PARKWAY PROJECT <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> :Scope of- Stonehouse Project - Reduced <br /> - The. . .above :possibility has .. been discussed during the Council ' s .work <br /> session 'with : Wil . Johnson;. BWBR Architects, at 6 : 00 P.M.. , that same <br /> ._ - evening.; . Mr. Childs -summarized..that-.: decision. as which authorized.-. . - <br /> only cosmetic improvements :such . :as:- repainting and redecorating. . --the <br /> areai -making the necessary improvements in the ventilation and mechanical <br /> systems and adding a kitchen area with the majority of the work done by <br /> . the Public - Works Department. Plans and specifications would also be for <br /> the-- off-sale without. a basement so that - they could be rebid and <br /> construction could begin this spring. <br />