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,nn Arthur Young <br /> Mr. David Childs S <br /> June 30, 1987 <br /> Page 2 <br /> STEP 2: Review and Consolidate Current Point Values <br /> This step involves a review of the current point values assigned <br /> to City positions to establish one point value for each <br /> classification. As required, this will involve a review of <br /> multiple position jobs to determine an adjusted point value for <br /> these classifications. <br /> STEP 3: Analyze Internal Relationships <br /> In this step, we will identify the internal relationship of pay <br /> to job values. This will take the form of a trend line <br /> (regression analysis) and will be of assistance.when reviewing <br /> current pay levels. This approach helps to define pay equity for <br /> City jobs by systematically identifying a level of pay for each <br /> level of job value. It-provides a standard of comparison for <br /> determining if current pay rates are equitable. (See Appendix A <br /> f-or sample trend- line. ) <br /> Trend line analysis will also be used to estimate the costs of • <br /> pay equity adjustments that may be needed. The cost estimates. <br /> will be obtained by comparing ,the values along the trend line (or <br /> an established corridor around the line) to current salaries. To <br /> facilitate this analysis, we have developed several LOTUSO <br /> templates. These templates allow several trend line analyses to <br /> explore one or more ways to develop an equitable pay plan. <br /> Printouts of your trend line analysis will be provided. <br /> In addition, we will submit a report as shown in Appendix B which <br /> compares each classification 's pay range maximum with the <br /> appropriate low and .high corridor amounts relating to your <br /> internal pay line. This report will allow you to see which <br /> classes fall outside the corridor and by how much. Total pay <br /> equity cost estimates in terms of actual dollars and as a percent <br /> of payroll are also provided. <br /> STEP 4: Labor Market Analysis <br /> Labor .market data from available surveys and salary market <br /> studies will' be compiled for select job classes. We will •'analyze <br /> individual labor market'.rates and the -trend of -market salaries to <br /> determine the extent to which salaries indicated through the <br /> internal anwlysi's differ. This analysis will- indicate those, <br />