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1 -8- <br /> • <br /> 2 cardboard which would ,be baled would be mostly the beer flats, .,Iinings, . <br /> .-3 and stuffers and plenty , of . . big boxes would remain"to be given out to <br /> 4 residents who need them for moving, etc. He also * said a similar baler <br /> 5 for the new warehouse would probably be sought later on. <br /> 6 Council Action <br /> 7 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Enrooth to approve the purchase of a <br /> 8 reconditioned cardboard baler for Liquor Warehouse #2 under the <br /> - 9 conditions proposed by the City Manager in his June 19th. memorandum to <br /> 10 the Council. <br /> 11 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 12 Doppler Radar System Very Effective <br /> 13 The above was concluded in the study by the U.S. Weather Service,. which <br /> 14 had been put into the Council mail boxes after the agenda packet had <br /> 15 gone out. The system, which St. Anthony had donated to the U.S. Weather <br /> 16 Service after the 1984 tornado, had succeeded in "seeing through ground <br /> 17 clutter" and provided a quicker advance warning of a serious storm in <br /> 18 the metropolitan area, Mr. Childs said. <br /> 19 This unit could ,be utilized in conjunction with the stronger KSTP TV <br /> 20 radar system for the next eight or nine years until a more sophisticated& <br /> 21 system is expected to be put on line. The City Manager said he wanted <br /> .22 the Councilmembers to be the first to get the report because he <br /> 23 anticipated there would be a -fair amount of press given it once the TV <br /> 24 stations get his letter and the report. <br /> 25 Police and Fire Department Contracts Have Gone to Arbitration <br /> 26 Mr. Childs said the City had been unable to come to agreement with the <br /> 27 above and the sides were still far apart related to the total economic <br /> 28 package. He said the City' s position was based on what' s happening in <br /> 29 private industry and restraints imposed by the necessity for tight <br /> 30 budgets because of local and federal aid freezes and reduction of levy <br /> 31 limits this year. He added that the City was going to have to live with <br /> 32 whatever comes out of the binding arbitration and was working hard to <br /> 33 build a favorable case for settlement. <br /> 34 Budget Transfer Necessary <br /> 35 Because revenues from Revenue Sharing, the liquor operation, and other <br /> 36 areas will be less than the 1987 budget anticipated, Mr. Childs said it <br /> 37 would be necessary to transfer $150,000 from the General Fund Reserves <br /> 38 to the General Operating Budget. He added that, of course staff would <br /> 39 be looking for other revenue enhancers to make up for these <br /> 40 deficiencies. <br />