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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • September 24, 1996 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 south side of the building and whether the road that extends to the west from 39th <br /> 2 Avenue is a public or private road. The Planning Commission assumed that the road is a <br /> 3 public right-of-way and that the signage on the south side is permitted under current code. <br /> 4 The proposed signage on the north side of the building is not adjacent to a public right-of- <br /> 5 way and would require a variance. Bergstrom noted the proposed signage will not exceed <br /> 6 15%of the area of the wall to which the sign will be applied. <br /> 7 Faust asked if there was any guarantee that Realty Development would not return in the <br /> 8 future and request signage on the west side of the building. <br /> 9 Bergstrom stated Realty Development had not requested signage on the west side of the <br /> 10 building at the concept review or at the Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 11 The Council discussed previous restrictions that had been placed on this type of drive-up <br /> 12 window in the past and determined that these restrictions were not be relevant in this <br /> 13 location. <br /> 14 Faust asked if the City had received any comments from the residents in the townhomes <br /> 15 across the street from the development. <br /> Mayor Ranallo stated he had been in contact with the residents in the townhomes across <br /> 17 the street from the development and they have not expressed any concerns. <br /> . 18 Motion by Wagner, second by Faust to approve the sign variance for business right-of- <br /> 19 way frontage on the north side of the proposed building, Lot 3, Block 4, Apache Plaza,to <br /> 20 accommodate the need for increased visibility for traffic going south bound on Silver <br /> 21 Lake Road and traffic in the retail center and based on the findings of the Planning <br /> 22 Commission as follows: <br /> 23 1. The hardship is not created by the owner but is due to traffic patterns and multiple <br /> 24 tenancy. <br /> 25 2. The condition is unique to the structure and redevelopment of the parcel itself. <br /> 26 3. It is in spirit of redevelopment of the site and is consistent with previous requests <br /> 27 and/or plans for redevelopment of the site. <br /> 28 . 4.- The applicant will not require more sign.surface area than what is allowable by <br /> 29 the City's wall sign ordinance. <br /> 30 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 31 2. Ste. Marie Company,for Apache Plaza,Rear Yard Setback Variance and Sign <br /> Variance Requests. <br /> Chair Bergstrom reported that Ste. Marie Company, as owner of the property at Apache <br /> 34 Plaza Shopping Center, has applied for a rear yard variance request and sign variance <br />