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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 24, 1996 • <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 request for a proposed Municipal Liquor Store, Lot 5, Block 1, Silver Lake Center <br /> 2 (Apache Plaza). <br /> 3 Bergstrom reported Ste. Marie Company has applied for a rear yard variance of 18 feet, 6 <br /> 4 _ inches from the required setback of the west lot line of the Tires Plus site for an addition <br /> 5 they are planning to build. The City Ordinance requires that commercial buildings have a <br /> 6 rear yard setback of 20 feet. Bergstrom noted the proposed Municipal Liquor Store will <br /> 7 contain 8,300 square feet. The proposal includes 54 parking stalls, with City Code <br /> 8 requiring 50 parking stalls. <br /> 9 The variance is being requested because the construction of the addition is limited on the <br /> 10 site due to an interior driveway that runs parallel to the west property line and Silver Lake <br /> 11 Road that runs parallel to the site on the east. Because Silver Lake Road is designated as <br />_ 12 a county road,the proposed addition is subject to county road setback requirements, <br /> 13 thereby limiting expansion to the east. <br /> 14 Also, City Ordinance restricts expansion in this direction because the proposed addition <br /> 15 must have a setback of 35 feet or a distance equal to the average of the front yard depths <br /> 16 of the two adjacent properties. The adjacent properties currently would include Taco <br /> 17 Bell, Tires Plus and First Bank. Pushing the addition toward Silver Lake Road would <br /> 18 encroach into the county setback and exceed the average of the front yard depths of the <br /> 19 adjacent lots. <br /> 20 At the Concept Review,the Planning Commission asked what was driving the orientation <br /> 21 of the building. It was noted that a 60 foot cooler was necessary for the success of the <br /> 22 store and was part of the reason the building was oriented in this way. It was also noted <br /> 23 that 8,000 square feet was an average size of this type of liquor store. <br /> 24 Bergstrom reported there had been some discussion at the Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 25 in regard to the drainage on this proposal. Mr. Douglas Jones, 2505 Silver Lane had <br /> 26 inquired how this drainage will fit into the Master Storm Plan. Mr. Bruce Miller, <br /> 27 Westwood Engineering, who drafted the entire Master Storm Plan,had been present at <br /> 28 the meeting and had explained the drainage. Some of the drainage on the site will be <br /> 29 routed through a grit chamber and the rest of the drainage on the site will eventually be <br /> 30 routed to the two ponds to the south of First Bank. Bergstrom explained the Planning <br /> 31 Commission has in the past and continues to feel, that storm water drainage is the <br /> 32 regulatory domain of the Rice Creek Watershed District. The Commission does not <br /> 33 attach conditions of drainage on conditional use permits or variances but defers those <br /> 34 decisions to the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br /> 35 Mayor Ranallo noted two letters have been received since the Planning Commission • <br /> 36 meeting. One from Ste. Marie Company and one from Opus. In response to the concerns <br /> 37 expressed at the meeting, both companies have written to "express our commitment to <br />