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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 24, 1996 <br /> Page,5 <br /> 1 providing treatment of storm water discharges from this site consistent with the Master <br /> 2 Storm Water Management Plan and Rice Creek Watershed requirements. As stated at the <br /> 3 Planning Commission,the proposal to discharge untreated storm water into the Silver <br /> 4 Lake Road drainage system is temporary and has the preliminary approval of WMO staff. <br /> 5 It is the intent of Opus Northwest, L.L.C. and the Ste. Marie Company to re-route this <br /> 6 drainage into the internal storm water treatment system when development of Lot 4 <br /> 7 occurs. We are actively seeking users for the Lot 4 parcel and anticipate presenting a <br /> 8 project for this site within the next calendar year." Mayor Ranallo stated this is a <br /> 9 commitment on the part of both companies. <br /> 10 Mr. Douglas Jones, 2505 Silver Lane, stated he had heard the presentation given by <br /> 11 Westwood Engineering and feels this is a good proposal. He also commended the <br /> 12 developer for the work done thus far at.Apache Plaza. He stated his concern was that this <br /> 13 drainage plan was temporary and future owners of the Tires Plus building would not be <br /> 14 bound to the plan. Mr. Jones stated the drainage plan should be a condition of the <br /> 15 variance. He stated the parcel was less than 2.5 acres and fell below the required acreage <br /> 16 of land that would require Rice Creek Watershed jurisdiction or regulation of the site. <br /> 17 Marks.asked if the drainage plan could be included in the motion with respect to the <br /> • variance. <br /> 19 City Attorney William Soth stated the drainage would be required by law if it was a <br /> 20 requirement of the Rice Creek Watershed District. The drainage is part of the plan that <br /> 21 the City is approving and is what the Rice Creek Watershed District is permitting, <br /> 22 therefore it is what governs. When Lot 4 is developed the City will not grant a building <br /> 23 permit unless the drainage is changed as specified. <br /> 24 Morrison stated Kate Drewey, Rice Creek Watershed District has stated the District has <br /> 25 control of drainage on the site because it is part of the Apache Plaza development. <br /> 26 Mr. Soth stated this was correct, as this was not a freestanding development, but is a <br /> 27 parcel tied to the entire development with reciprocal and ponding agreements. <br /> 28 Faust asked if the aforementioned letters were considered to be legal documents. <br /> 29 Mr. Soth stated these letters demonstrate that Ste. Marie Company and Opus understand <br /> 30 the agreement. These letters are now part of the record. <br /> 31 Mr. Bruce Miller, Westwood Engineering, explained the drainage of the southwest comer <br /> 32 of the site will pass through a grit chamber and be tied into the trunk in Silver Lake Road <br /> and eventually go to Silver Lake. The remainder of the drainage of the site will be <br /> temporarily connected to Silver Lake Road. When Lot 4 is developed,this drainage will <br /> 35 be connected through Lot 4 and routed through the internal system to the new ponds. If it <br />