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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 26, 1996 <br /> 0 Page 3, <br /> 1 2. Amendment to the OPUS Sign Plan for CUB Foods Store. <br /> 2 Commissioner Franzese reported the Planning Commission also considered a proposed <br /> 3 amendment to the OPUS Sign Plan for CUB Foods. She reported the item was first <br /> 4 postponed in the agenda as no one appeared to represent the applicant. Later in the <br /> 5 meeting the item was discussed even though no representatives were in attendance'at the <br /> 6 .meeting. .Staff indicated the proposal was larger than the original plan because the sign <br /> 7 standards had changed. The Planning Commission was uncomfortable with this and <br /> 8 wondered when the standard's had changed, what had changed, and if the older sign was <br /> 9 still available. The Planning Commission unanimously supports the development of <br /> 10 Apache Plaza but was concerned with the continual requests for changes to the <br /> 11 comprehensive sign plan as originally submitted. <br /> 12 Mr. Craig Meveson of Super Valu, representing CUB Foods came forward to address the <br /> 13 Council. <br /> 14 Councilmember Marks stated he was concerned with the overall sign plan for Apache <br /> 15 Plaza. He noted this was a phase development but asked if an overall plan had been <br /> 16 developed. <br /> *8 Mr. Meveson stated Super Valu was originally involved with C.G. Rein and at that time <br /> submitted a full sign package. The elevation and plat were approved. When they came <br /> 19 before the City with OPUS a second time,the overall plan again received approval. He <br /> 20 stated he was not aware that the sign plan was in excess and was surprised to learn that it <br /> 21 was. This is the typical signage that is used by CUB Food Stores and he noted that they <br /> 22 are not requesting excess of the normal signage which is important for a retail <br /> 23 establishment. He stated he was not aware if OPUS had a master sign plan for the entire <br /> 24 development. <br /> 25 Morrison reported that the comprehensive sign plan for Apache Plaza included five <br /> 26 ground signs, a new pylon sign and a individual pylon sign for CUB Foods. He noted <br /> 27 Dennis Cavanaugh had originally worked with the sign plan and had submitted <br /> 28 dimensions at that time. Jay Scott, OPUS Corporation had submitted the same plan and it <br /> 29 was assumed that the dimensions would be the same. The difference is that CUB Foods <br /> 30 has changed their sign standards. <br /> 31 Mr. Meveson stated he had never seen this as a problem. He noted the large CUB sign <br /> 32 would still be in conformance of less than 10%of the area of the building. <br /> 33 Councilmember Faust noted the dimensions were presented and approved at the original <br /> 34 meeting in November of 1994. <br /> Mr. Meveson stated he was not present at that meeting. <br />