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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 26, 1996 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 VIII. PUBLIC HEARING -None. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 IX. NEW BUSINESS. <br /> 4 A. _ Resolution 96-062, re: Parking Signage in Front of St. Anthony Village High School. <br /> 5 Warren Rolek, Superintendent School District#282, stated this is a longstanding safety <br /> 6 issue. The issue is that parking is allowed on both sides of 33rd Avenue when children <br /> 7 are arriving and departing from school. The street becomes very congested and children <br /> 8 are running across the street when being picked up or dropped off on the south side of the <br /> 9 street. He suggested a three-part solution to the problem. .No parking in the horseshoe, <br /> 10 one hour parking on the north side of 33rd Avenue from 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. during <br /> 11 school days, and no parking at anytime on the south side of 33rd Avenue during school <br /> 12 days. <br /> 13 Mayor Ranallo noted Staff had received letters from Anthony Kaczar, Jim and Kathleen <br /> 14 Zappia, and Marilyn H. Dregger in opposition to the proposed changes. Mayor Ranallo <br /> 15 reported he had also received phone calls from residents expressing concern. <br /> 16 Mr. Allen Lilienthal, 3212 - 33rd Avenue, stated he and his wife had purchased the home <br /> 17 directly across the street from the school earlier this year. They have a day care business <br /> in their home and are concerned with the effect of no parking in front of the house to their <br /> business. Most customers use the driveway but there are times, such as the recent <br /> 20 snowstorm,when the driveway is not accessible. He stated he would be comfortable with <br /> 21 one hour parking in front of his home. He agreed that parking on the south side of 33rd <br /> 22 Avenue and dropping children off to run across the street was a very dangerous situation <br /> 23 but felt that the parents of the children needed to be educated. He suggested a letter be <br /> 24 sent to the parents alerting them of the danger and explaining why it is necessary to park <br /> 25 on the north side of the street will be a better solution. He stressed that he felt the <br /> 26 solution came down to educating the parents. <br /> 27 Mr. Roger Martin, 3217 Hilldale Avenue, stated he was concerned with the proposal to <br /> 28 eliminate right hand turns out of the school parking lot onto 33rd Avenue. <br /> 29 Mornson noted he had spoken with Mr. Martin in regard to this concern and had informed <br /> 30 him that this was something the school was proposing on their own. It would be on their <br /> 31 property. <br /> 32 Mr. Rolek stated the no right hand turn would only be enforced during certain hours. He <br /> 33 explained it was an effort to decrease the amount of traffic on that area of 33rd Avenue <br /> 34 when cars were parked on both sides. He stated he was open to other ideas. He was <br /> 35 certain the community is experiencing a deep concern and he was only trying to resolve <br /> the issue. <br />