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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 26, 1996 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Mr. Martin stated he felt the no right turn proposal would push the problem into the <br /> 2 residential area. He felt there was already enough traffic in that area. <br /> 3 Mayor Ranallo explained the City had no control if the school wished to place a sign on <br /> 4 their property eliminating a right hand turn and the City would be required to enforce the <br /> 5 restriction. <br /> 6 Marks suggested the south side be signed as no stopping and letting students out in this <br /> 7 area. He noted however, that this would be more difficult to enforce. <br /> 8 Mayor Ranallo asked Mr. Rolek if he would be comfortable with attempting signage that <br /> 9 would prevent parents from dropping their children on the south side but-would still <br /> 10 allow residents to park there themselves. <br /> 11 Mr. Rolek stated he would be willing to try this solution for a period of time. He stated <br /> 12 he understood the concerns of the residents. <br /> 13 Faust stated he would prefer to maintain the parking as described in the.proposed <br /> 14 resolution with no parking on the south side of 33rd Avenue hour in the morning <br /> 15 and one hour in the afternoon and one hour parking on the north side of 33rd Avenue, • <br /> 16 both to be enforced only on school days.. This could be done for a trial period and it <br /> 17 could then be determined how much of an inconvenience this caused for the residents. <br /> 18 He noted this was an issue of the safety of the children. <br /> 19 Enrooth suggested there be no parking on the north side of 33rd Avenue from 7:00 A.M. <br /> 20 to 3:00 P.M. so the area is free for children to be dropped off and signage on the south <br /> 21 side of 33rd Avenue to discourage student drop off. This could then be evaluated on <br /> 22 March 1, 1997 to determine the effects. <br /> 23 Mr. Lilienthal suggested a notice also be sent to the parents to educate them of the <br /> 24 dangers. <br /> 25 Mayor Ranallo noted the Police Department would also be requested to help enforce the <br /> 26 signage. <br /> 27 Faust suggested the north side of 33rd Avenue be signed as a 10 minute loading zone to <br /> 28 encourage parents to park on the north side to drop off and pick up students. This could <br /> 29 then be evaluated on March 1, 1997. <br /> 30 Morrison suggested the evaluation period be extended to the end of the school year. He <br /> 31 noted that different seasons have an effect on the traffic situation. • <br /> 32 There was Council consensus to amend the resolution to read: <br />