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CC PACKET 12181996
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CC PACKET 12181996
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CC PACKET 12181996
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 26, 1996 <br /> • Page 11 <br /> 1 Mayor Ranallo questioned that Mr. Anderson could provide the specifications requested <br /> 2 by the City of St. Anthony in the older version of software but not in the new software. <br /> 3 Mr. Anderson stated that his company does a lot of modem communication with Version <br /> 4 4. It has a built in communication hub. He could provide this communication if it is <br /> 5 what the City is requesting. <br /> 6 Mr. Larson stated at the beginning of his research he worked with Mr. Anderson a lot. <br /> 7 He then determined that the communication services he was requesting were not available <br /> 8 and he also determined that the system was not user friendly. At that point, he requested <br /> 9 bids for other systems. Mr. Larson stated he had asked cities why they had chosen the <br /> 10 system they had. Four of the five cities who had selected TRS stated they had done so <br /> 11 due to the low bid process. <br /> 12 Mr. Larson explained the hardware proposed by RDS included Acer Pentium 75 <br /> 13 megahertz computers with Intel processors. TRS is proposing three 486-80 megahertz <br /> 14 systems. Mr. Larson stated he felt Pentium are the computers of the future. The 486 <br /> 15 systems would eventually require upgrades. <br /> Mr. Larson stated RDS was more experienced in this type of installation with 20,000 <br /> applications and$2.5 millions annual sales. It is a larger company with more support. <br /> 18 Mr. Larson explained that RDS is providing a synchronics software. TRS can provide <br /> 19 the same feature but it would require the purchase of software options. <br /> 20 Mr. Larson stated the biggest factors affecting his recommendation are the <br /> 21 communications ability and the user friendliness. He noted the staff at the liquor stores <br /> 22 are not versed in computers. The user friendliness is important relative to the stress of the <br /> 23 employees at the stores. Mr. Larson stated he felt the system provided by RDS was much <br /> 24 more user friendly. <br /> 25 Michael Allen,Retail Data Systems, stated RDS is utilizing the Windows NT Platform <br /> 26 from Microsoft. They have in the past utilized LANtastic and Novell but have <br /> 27 determined that they do not have the capacity to maintain a large volume. Windows NT <br /> 28 Platform does have this capacity. He stated he felt it is important for the City to start out <br /> 29 with the best hardware and software available. <br /> 30 Mayor Ranallo suggested Council wait one week and obtain more information from RDS <br /> 31 and TRS and a letter from City Attorney stating they can go without the lowest bidder. <br /> Marks asked if RDS was utilizing the NT Advanced Server. Mr. Allen stated they were <br /> currently using NT Version 4.0. <br />
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