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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 26, 1996 • <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 Prairie, Thief River Falls and Marshall. Their goal is to provide a professional quality <br /> 2 product. <br /> 3 Mayor Ranallo noted the Mr. Larson has stated that after careful review and research <br /> 4 Total Register Systems does not meet the specifications of the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 5 Mr. Anderson stated he did not believe this was true. <br /> 6 Mayor Ranallo noted that by law, the City is required to take the low bid if it meets the <br /> 7 specifications. <br /> 8 Mr. Anderson stated he felt his bid did meet the City's specifications. <br /> 9 Wagner stated he understood the bid was not able to meet the specification of being able <br /> 10 to handle the data for two stores. <br /> 11 Mr.-Anderson stated he could absolutely meet those specifications. <br /> 12 Marks asked that Mr. Larson explain the items in which the specifications were not being <br /> 13 met. • <br /> 14 Mr. Larson stated the main area where he felt TRS did.not meet the specifications was in <br /> 15 the area of communication. The requested form of communication is not in place in any <br /> 16 existing TRS operation in any city and therefore could not be verified. <br /> 17 Mr. Anderson stated many of his installations include multiple stores. Information is <br /> 18 transferred by use of floppy disk. He stated he currently has no stores on this version of <br /> 19 software that provide information in the form requested by Mr. Larson. <br /> 20 Mayor Ranallo questioned that Mr. Anderson had stated that he currently had no other <br /> 21 cities communicating in this fashion but he was stating that he could do it here. <br /> 22 Mr. Anderson stated he absolutely could. <br /> 23 Faust reiterated that Mr. Anderson had no application currently operating-as the City of <br /> 24 St. Anthony had specified. <br /> 25 Mr. Anderson stated he did have installation like the one requested by the City of St. <br /> 26 Anthony but not on the current version of the software. <br /> 27 Mr. Larson stated the software version bid was Version 4. He stated he was unable to <br /> 28 find the communication of information in the form requested on the bid in this <br /> 29 configuration of software. <br />