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3. Other Business. <br /> a. Jeff Wirth, Apache Medical Building, was out of town and not able to • <br /> be at this Planning Commission meeting. The Commissioners were <br /> very interested in considering expanding uses for the Apache Medical <br /> Building. Mr. Wirth will be at the March meeting to discuss his <br /> suggestions for expanded uses. Chair Bergstrom asked that Staff check <br /> with other cities who have medical or professional buildings to find <br /> out what uses they allow in these types of buildings and how they are <br /> zoned. <br /> b. Proposed language changes to the ground signs ordinance were <br /> presented by Commissioner Makowske. After much discussion, <br /> Commissioner Makowske will incorporate suggestions to the language <br /> changes he proposed and bring it back to the Commission in March. <br /> C. Chair Bergstrom reported to the Commission that the last <br /> Comprehensive Plan Task Force meeting was quite productive. <br /> Commissioners Gondorchin and Makowske agreed. Chair Bergstrom <br /> indicated that if other Commissioners have ideas of things they would <br /> like to have discussed at the next meeting in March, to call the <br /> Management Assistant. <br /> 4. The Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. <br /> • <br />