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CC PACKET 09091997
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CC PACKET 09091997
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CC PACKET 09091997
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 26, 1997 <br /> Page 10 • <br /> 1 Mayor Ranallo stated that the cut-off date was the day before the Council meeting. The night <br /> 2 of the Council meeting Mrs. Kuharski mentioned that Mr. Kuharski wished to be on the Task <br /> 3 Force and Ms. Hintz also expressed a desire. The Council stated that if the applications were <br /> 4 received the next day, these residents would be appointed. <br /> 5 Wagner noted the names were verbally entered into the record. <br /> .6 Mr. Lohmar questioned why the Management Assistant was on the Task Force. She does not <br /> 7 even live in the City. He stated that she is Staff and should not be on the Task Force. He <br /> 8 stated the Council was intimidated by Mr. Cavanaugh's knowledge. <br /> 9 Faust noted that there needs to be someone present to take requests and answer questions. <br /> 10 Mr. Cavanaugh stated this is why the City Manager is there. <br /> 11 Marks stated his personal view was that if residents wanted to volunteer for the Task Force <br /> 12 the Council should let them. He noted that there may be others who would also like to <br /> 13 volunteer. He suggested that the positions should be advertised. <br /> 14 Enrooth noted there had been others in attendance at the first Task Force meeting who had <br /> 15 asked if they could participate. They had been told that the objective of twelve Task Force • <br /> 16 members had been achieved. If additional members were being considered it should be open <br /> 17 to any others interested. He noted additional members could conceivably extend the process. <br /> 18 Mr. Kuharski stated he would mention that the application process would be opened again at <br /> 19 the Task Force meeting. <br /> 20 Mayor Ranallo stated it would be published. He stated he objected to Mr. Lohmar's comment <br /> 21 in regard to Mr. Cavanaugh. He had never stated that he did not want Mr. Cavanaugh on the <br /> 22 Task Force in fact he had questioned why he wasn't on the Task Force. He stated in order to <br /> 23 be fair the application process would have to be reopened. <br /> 24 Mr. Lohmar asked if one of the members could resign and Mr. Cavanaugh could be appointed <br /> 25 in their place. <br /> 26 Mayor Ranallo stated that if the process was open, it must be open to all residents. <br /> 27 Mr. Cavanaugh apologized for not applying for the Task Force in the first place. The reason <br /> 28 he would like to be on the Task Force is that he feels the short-term issues are not being <br /> 29 addressed. He expressed concern that opening the application process would slow the work of <br /> 30 the Task Force. New members would not be in attendance at a meeting until the end of <br /> 31 September. He asked if he would be allowed to stand as a resource to the Task Force in a <br /> 32 manner similar to that of the Management Assistant. • <br />
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