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CC PACKET 09091997
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CC PACKET 09091997
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CC PACKET 09091997
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 26, 1997 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 Mr. Kuharski asked if this requirement was explained to them. He stated that as a member of <br /> 2 the Task Force he was never made aware of this requirement. He stated it seemed like the <br /> 3 Council was telling the Task Force members that they had done a bad thing and they were in <br /> 4 trouble. <br /> 5 Mayor Ranallo stated that the Task Force had to be careful that all of their meetings were <br /> 6 posted. If they have another meeting they have to be certain that all members of the Task <br /> 7 Force are invited. <br /> 8 Faust noted that all the members of the Task Force were not invited to this meeting. <br /> 9 Mr. Kuharski stated that every non-elected resident was invited. <br /> 10 Enrooth stated that it appeared that this subverted the process of establishing the Task Force. <br /> 11 Mr. Kuharski stated he felt the process was subverted at the first meeting and the residents <br /> 12 were only trying to fix it. He stated if the City was doing their job they would have <br /> 13 explained the Task Force members duties at the first meeting. He questioned the Management <br /> 14 Assistant's role on the Task Force. <br /> Moore-Sykes explained that she was the Staff liaison and was available to help with questions <br /> 6 or provide information. <br /> 17 Mayor Ranallo addressed the question of Mr. Cavanaugh being appointed to the Task Force. <br /> 18 The Park Task Force had requested that an additional member be added and the Council <br /> 19 denied the request as the application period had been opened and closed. That person chose <br /> 20 not to make it an issue as he could still attend the meetings. <br /> 21 Mr. Kuharski questioned when the application period for the Flood Task Force had been <br /> 22 opened and closed. He noted it was closed the day before a Council meeting but his wife <br /> 23 attended the meeting and mentioned that he wanted to be on the Task Force and he was <br /> 24 accepted after the cut-off date. He also noted that Jane Hintz had been appointed a couple of <br /> 25 days after he was. <br /> 26 Mayor Ranallo noted that Mr. Kuharski and Ms. Hintz were mentioned and part of the <br /> 27 appointment the evening of the Council meeting. <br /> 28 Mr. Kuharski stated he could name at least three people who were appointed after the cut-off <br /> 29 date. <br /> 30 Enrooth stated the others were appointed to obtain the desired twelve members. <br /> 101 Mr. Kuharski asked if the second cut-off date was published. <br />
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